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 Hitman:  2 hrs 3 mins ago News News : Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
   posted by amigakit on 22-Mar-2016 17:13:35 (37678 reads)

Introducing Warp3D Nova
Shader based 3D graphics are finally a reality!

A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce that a native 3D Shader-based API has been developed for OS4. Warp3D Nova has been the result of over nine months of hard work by graphics guru and Team member, Hans De Ruiter. It offers significant opportunities for exciting advancements in 3D software running on the AmigaOS4 platform.

Why is Nova needed?

The original Warp3D API is over a decade old, and as a consequence, is not based around Shader technology and many related functions that modern graphics cards support. Modern 3D engines require Shaders and having this support on OS4 will remove more obstacles to porting games and applications from other platforms. To further ease porting from other systems, we have contracted Daniel Muessener ( to develop an OpenGL ES 2.0 wrapper for the new Warp3D Nova.

In addition to the coding talents of Daniel, we have been in contact with other prominent 3D developers from across the Amiga community and provided them with early access to the software.

Warp3D Nova Features:

● A modern shader-based 3D graphics API for use by 3D software running on the AmigaOS 4 platform
● Supports vertex and fragment (pixel) shaders giving developers great freedom over lighting models, effects, vertex transformations, etc.
● Hardware accelerated Transformation, Clipping & Lighting (TCL) is implicitly supported (programmed via shaders)
● Uses the SPIR-V standard for shaders. A GLSL to SPIR-V compiler is included
● All rendering is done via Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) which can be stored in VRAM for high performance Render state stored in Render State Objects (RSOs). Having no global state avoids state thrashing, and allows multi-threaded rendering. Note: While there's no global state, a default RSO is allocated for convenience
● Includes an SDK with everything needed to start writing apps & games including examples ranging from querying hardware capabilities through to per-pixel lighting with normal mapping
● Can co-exist with the original Warp3D-SI & MiniGL

Special thanks go to Andy Broad for developing the glslangValidator tool.

Thanks also go to Kevin Saunders for the Warp3D Nova logo design and 3D modelling.

Warp3D Nova running under AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition on an AmigaOne X1000: click here

Warp3D Nova libraries, SDK and tools

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 10:54:35
#81 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Jan-2003
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From: Minnesota, USA

OpenGL-ES2 is a good point to jump from since the Raspberry Pi models support it out-of-the-box. Shims like Regal should make this a viable upgrade path for existing Pi users, if they can keep the costs low on new systems. Of course a high-end Radeon will wipe the floor with the RasPi 3. Open Scene-Graph can use OpenGL-ES on the RasPi which brings such graphically stimulating titles as OpenMW (open source engine for the Morrowind data files that make it look almost as good as its successor, Skyrim) to the OS 4 crowd.

That said, I'm still a skeptic. Unless the X5000 can compete cost-per-performance to the RasPi 3 and others in that camp, I'll stick to ArosMesa and Gallium. Maybe WarpNova can offer an alternative to the SoftPipe rendering pipeline in Gallium eventually. When Andy Broad mentioned new compiler technology, the LLVM-Pipe under Gallium will bring other drivers to the table on the low-end. Ones that won't work on the fallback SoftPipe engine that Aros uses.

I also like that the Apollo core has open-ended hardware on the FPGA to make a new SuperAGA chipset a reality. I've already joined the team here and suspect that I can streamline FBlit and other kludges expand to fill a void of new Classic software on the Vampire accelerators. Of course as new Apollo cores come out, the accelerator cards get faster and faster!

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 11:29:36
#82 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia

@Hans, BSzili
So probably the best options to have all current apps works over new w3d (as we can't recompile everything, and as usual most authors of native or ported stuff disappeared already) will be "Regal to create a "MiniGL shim" ". By this it will be easy to create apps which will works everywhere as before, but on machines/cards where new w3d works, it will works faster and better.

So, where link to download new stuff ?:)

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 11:30:52
#83 ]
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Joined: 4-Aug-2003
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From: Stourbridge, UK

The pdf news release states that R5 230 boards are supported. I can only find DDR3 ones and goodness knows if they are Southern Islands or not.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 11:52:38
#84 ]
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Actually you'd have to write completely new shader-based renderers for every program you want to port from OpenGL 1.x to OpenGL ES2. A far cry from recompiling it, and not exactly realistic. So yeah, our best bet is to port Regal and write a small MiniGL compatible wrapper.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 12:33:47
#85 ]
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From: Maryland, USA


All glory to the Hypnotoad!

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 13:46:26
#86 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


For them most relevant are the buyer of X1000 and future X5000/Tabor

Or Sam460 owners, anyway as more demanding games comes available more will be required from the CPU too.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 14:08:59
#87 ]
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Joined: 1-Jun-2013
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From: USA

By Hans;
"There's also the option of using Warp3D Nova directly, but I expect that most people will want to use OpenGL."

-------------------AMIGA------------------------------, -----------------COMPLIANT---------------------------.

The second part is probably necessary, the first part more interesting and worth more investigation.

Good job people.

Tinkering with computers.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 14:14:02
#88 ]
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I like the demo, is Warpd3D Nova more like Vulkan/Mantle ?
Do you feel confident to make your drivers work for the upcoming Polaris and Vega gfx cards in 2016 and 2017 respectively?
I'm eager to se Blender and also an updated Cristot demo but I'm no sure if it's Amiga has the supported cards.
Amiga has always been low level access so I'm glad we have Nova.
@AEON, Just bring now a 500€ Tabor system and we can discuss...

Last edited by kamelit0 on 23-Mar-2016 at 03:33 PM.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 16:25:45
#89 ]
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Good news!

What does it mean for current OS4 users and today's Warp3D apps ?

I mean:

- does it mean new drivers need to be written for every existing gfx card ?
- If so, what's the status of such drivers, are they drivers already ready for current boards ?
- Is there at least one app/game taking advantage of Warp 3D Nova ?
- Does the Open GL ES2 wrapper is enough to directly recompile apps, or is there more work involved in making ES 2 games work with Nova ?


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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 16:28:19
#90 ]
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- yes
- only for Radeon HD 7000 cards (SI)
- no
- definitely no

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 18:03:14
#91 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England


looking forward even more too Wings Remastered.

need to finally buy Warp3d maybe, was still holding out for the Radiance suite.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 18:06:34
#92 ]
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Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 935
From: Ontario, Canada

Looks great, but unfortunately I just bought a RadeonHD 6850 last year for my X1000, so I will have to pray someone writes a driver for it. I'm not in a position to spend more money to upgrade the graphics card yet again. I've already spend money on two different graphic cards for my X1000, so I'll be sticking with the 6850...

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 18:48:01
#93 ]
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From: Yharnam

Regarding 3rd party drivers, what does the support mean in practise? Will developer get access to datasheets and example drivers?

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 20:44:44
#94 ]
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Joined: 6-Jul-2003
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From: Grand Blanc, MI

Can anyone the biggest/baddest graphics card for my X1000 that will be compatible with Nova? Thinking I am going to have to upgrade from the original that came with the system. Keep up the GREAT work everyone!!

--Barry Steenbergh

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 21:36:08
#95 ]
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Regarding 3rd party drivers, what does the support mean in practise? Will developer get access to datasheets and example drivers?

You get the driver development kit. I guess that contains a driver skeleton too.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 22:54:58
#96 ]
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Amazing work...


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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 23:15:33
#97 ]
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From: United Kingdom


Sounds good. Lets see what we can do with it.

Why using 50% CPU ?

Until we can create fast efficient games, even in assembler & scripting we will have a foundation to build upon.

Dont be too supportive of older cards, The New, visually stunning MMO game Black Desert Online will bring any high end graphics card to a crawl.

Will this be a cross platform implementation ?

Thing I want is ease of use, upgrade ability, GPU feature detect, fast efficient.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 24-Mar-2016 0:24:00
#98 ]
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Joined: 27-Dec-2003
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From: New Zealand

I have two questions: does Warp 3D Nova support compute shaders and are there plans for supporting teselation shaders?

No compute at present. I still have a lot of work to go, so it's a bit early to be talking about adding compute, geometry & tesselation shader support (all of which would be awesome to have).

Are there any 'demo' applications or games planned for release at the same time, i.e. a "Doom" or "Quake" port or something else that demonstrates the capability of the new API?

There are things being worked on, but I can't say more than that.

Congratulations on getting so far with such a tricky project! Sounds like you have finished implementing the main features, and are mostly in the bug-fixing phase now?

I wish! I'm still very much working on the shader compiler and adding more features.

"Total Voters: 75". How many users does that site have?
Compared to this site: 5457 members. And 15 453 members...

Further on regarding Sam460ex, Sam460cr and AmigaOne 500...
The Acube de facto standard regarding graphics cards, have been: Acube Peripherals & Accessories

So I hope that the above, is taken in consideration!

Sure, there's a margin of error,** and it's definitely not a scientific poll. Nevertheless, it's still useful for getting a rough idea. For example, compare the current 2016 poll to the previous one in 2014, and you'll see a definite shift.


** Statistically speaking, if we were to assume (unrealistically) that all 5457 members were OS4 users, then a sample of 75 would give us a margin of error of 11.24% (so, 88.76% confidence).

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 24-Mar-2016 0:59:12
#99 ]
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From: New Zealand

Or Sam460 owners, anyway as more demanding games comes available more will be required from the CPU too.

I'm surprised how many have forgotten about the Sam460, which is also a PCIe machine. Finally being able to do hardware TCL (in shaders) should help get better performance on these machines.

I like the demo, is Warpd3D Nova more like Vulkan/Mantle ?

I'd say that it draws ideas from Warp3D, OpenGL, and Vulkan/Mantle. Vulkan offers great performance and fine control over the hardware, but at the cost of being harder to use. There's a lot of set up and management code to write before you can draw even one triangle. I've tried to make Warp3D Nova relatively easy to use.

Do you feel confident to make your drivers work for the upcoming Polaris and Vega gfx cards in 2016 and 2017 respectively?

For sure, it could be done. However, I really don't want to think about AMD's relentless releasing of new cards right now.

Looks great, but unfortunately I just bought a RadeonHD 6850 last year for my X1000, so I will have to pray someone writes a driver for it. I'm not in a position to spend more money to upgrade the graphics card yet again. I've already spend money on two different graphic cards for my X1000, so I'll be sticking with the 6850...

Yeah, sorry about that. Realistically, I have to stick to one GPU series only, or nothing would get finished. I find the Southern Islands ISA easier to work with, and also have more experience with that one after creating the Southern Islands Warp3D driver. I really hope that other developers will be interested in writing drivers for other hardware.

Regarding 3rd party drivers, what does the support mean in practise? Will developer get access to datasheets and example drivers?

The Warp3D Nova DDK comes with autodocs, a skeleton driver, and I've started working on a test suite that should make its way into the DDK too.

I can provide copies of all the documentation that I have for Radeon HD cards, and also point to the open-source driver code that you'll need as a supplement to the documentation.

Why using 50% CPU ?

If you mean in the youtube video, bear in mind that Trevor is running multiple things at once. The Gears example certainly isn't using that much! I'll admit that the logo demo isn't implemented in the most efficient way; it renders every mesh multiple times (once for each light). The main goal of that demo was to test per-pixel lighting with normal mapping, and it does that just fine.

Dont be too supportive of older cards, The New, visually stunning MMO game Black Desert Online will bring any high end graphics card to a crawl.

I'm surprised how many people have asked about Radeon 9000/9250 support; they really are too old and their shader capabilities are so basic.

Will this be a cross platform implementation ?

No idea. I'd certainly be happy if Warp3D Nova became a common standard. I only have time for one platform, though.


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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 24-Mar-2016 1:34:16
#100 ]
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John 3:16

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