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 zipper:  3 hrs 21 mins ago News News : Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
   posted by amigakit on 22-Mar-2016 17:13:35 (37704 reads)

Introducing Warp3D Nova
Shader based 3D graphics are finally a reality!

A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce that a native 3D Shader-based API has been developed for OS4. Warp3D Nova has been the result of over nine months of hard work by graphics guru and Team member, Hans De Ruiter. It offers significant opportunities for exciting advancements in 3D software running on the AmigaOS4 platform.

Why is Nova needed?

The original Warp3D API is over a decade old, and as a consequence, is not based around Shader technology and many related functions that modern graphics cards support. Modern 3D engines require Shaders and having this support on OS4 will remove more obstacles to porting games and applications from other platforms. To further ease porting from other systems, we have contracted Daniel Muessener ( to develop an OpenGL ES 2.0 wrapper for the new Warp3D Nova.

In addition to the coding talents of Daniel, we have been in contact with other prominent 3D developers from across the Amiga community and provided them with early access to the software.

Warp3D Nova Features:

● A modern shader-based 3D graphics API for use by 3D software running on the AmigaOS 4 platform
● Supports vertex and fragment (pixel) shaders giving developers great freedom over lighting models, effects, vertex transformations, etc.
● Hardware accelerated Transformation, Clipping & Lighting (TCL) is implicitly supported (programmed via shaders)
● Uses the SPIR-V standard for shaders. A GLSL to SPIR-V compiler is included
● All rendering is done via Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) which can be stored in VRAM for high performance Render state stored in Render State Objects (RSOs). Having no global state avoids state thrashing, and allows multi-threaded rendering. Note: While there's no global state, a default RSO is allocated for convenience
● Includes an SDK with everything needed to start writing apps & games including examples ranging from querying hardware capabilities through to per-pixel lighting with normal mapping
● Can co-exist with the original Warp3D-SI & MiniGL

Special thanks go to Andy Broad for developing the glslangValidator tool.

Thanks also go to Kevin Saunders for the Warp3D Nova logo design and 3D modelling.

Warp3D Nova running under AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition on an AmigaOne X1000: click here

Warp3D Nova libraries, SDK and tools

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 20:50:50
#41 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12960
From: Norway

OpenGL ES 2.0 ?

If I understand this correct, all OpenGL games has to be rewritten for OpenGL ES 2.0, as ES lacks glBegin() and glEnd() functions.

OpenGL ES 2.0 vs ES 3.0

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Mar-2016 at 09:26 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Mar-2016 at 09:23 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Mar-2016 at 09:05 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:06:04
#42 ]
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Joined: 16-Nov-2013
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"If someone were to port Mesa on top of Warp3D Nova, the existing games could benefit from it too. Any volunteers?"
Already started before Nova

The existing Mesa port has been in limbo since 2013, and it was not built on top of Warp3D Nova, which didn't exist at the time.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:20:47
#43 ]
Super Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
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From: the french side

...but what about us with older graphic cards?

exactly my thoughts.

nice for the others, but the earliest supporters of the AmigaOne back in 2002 are left over and forced to migrate to new motherboard.

maybe I am just in a bad mood today !

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:24:44
#44 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land

and thanks Trevor for supporting US!

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:30:14
#45 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
Posts: 691
From: Poland

Fantastic news
Will Warp3D Nova be of any use to display a video?

Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM R9250 128MB SB Live!

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:32:40
#46 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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Radeon 7000-9250 don´t have advanced shader capabilities like newer GFX cards. Maybe their features are enough for Warp3D Nova, Hans could tell us, if such driver would be even possible.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:33:02
#47 ]
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From: Indianapolis, IN USA

@ Palvor,

Thanks, but does Amigakit carry them?

AmigaOne X1000 & Amiga 4000

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:40:37
#48 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden

Really great news. Thanks all involved.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 21:46:16
#49 ]
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Joined: 22-Feb-2015
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a vast majority of Sam460ex users, have the ATI Radeon™ 4000 Series graphics cards installed... (The same goes for the AmigaOne 500)

for those who want a new graphics card for their Sam 460 the following card may be of interest for you..... I upgraded mine and it works a treat and is Warp3D compatible and will be with Warp 3D Nova as it is a rebadged Radeon HD 7750.

Club 3D Radeon R7 250 - Graphics card - Radeon R7 250 - 1 GB GDDR5 - PCI Express 3.0 x16 - DVI, D-Su

Amazon sell it for GBP80.00

Amigaone X5000/20 4GB Radeon RX 550 Polaris 12 AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Amiga 1200 Workbench 3.1.4
Amiga CD32

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 22:20:05
#50 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales

nice for the others, but the earliest supporters of the AmigaOne back in 2002 are left over and forced to migrate to new motherboard.

They already have an SDK for Warp3D Nova and Mathew already said in this thread that they are willing to provide assistance to anyone who wishes to write drivers for other video cards.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 22:23:16
#51 ]
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Joined: 16-Nov-2013
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Do you expect the users to write W3D Nova drivers for the old R200 cards they are stuck with?

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 22:53:51
#52 ]
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Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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as this is aeon effort and investment its only logical that they are supporting the hardware they provide, which relies and is sold with pcie radeonhd cards. in the end they want in the first place convince the customers to upgrade to their products.

for a change i find it only fair.

anyway, this is yet an announcement, it doesnt look like warp3d nova is being currently delivered to regular customers. there is no ordering or pricing information. it rather sounds like its still work in progress that may take some time.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 23:02:20
#53 ]
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Joined: 23-Feb-2010
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From: Victoria, Australia

Congratulations to the team and Trevor on realizing this goal.

A question however, where does this leave AmigaOS in terms of future development by the core developers when it comes to modern technologies such as Gallium or similar. Are we all doomed to play catch up indefinitely? What I mean is does Warp3D Nova satisfy for now and we become complacent because it does the job just like OWB did, then Oddysey and the sad effort of Timberwolf?

Don't get me wrong here, I applaud the development of Warp 3D Nova but for me to part with my hard earned dollars to buy in to a new AmigaOS complatible computer because my Pegasos 2 is becoming obsolete, a few absolutes need to be established.

Will AmigaOS fully support the capabilities of the GFX card ie Gallium 3D.

Can I browse the internet properly not with spoofing and other trickery and extra programs, or wait for an endianess issue to be resolved.

Will all cores of my CPU ever be supported and when?

These are my concerns and the very reason I will not update my Pegasos 2 to AmigaOS 4.1 FE or buy a new machine.


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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 23:11:39
#54 ]
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Joined: 28-Nov-2003
Posts: 128
From: Poland

Now that's a breaking news :)
So it's possible to make it :)

Harthon gerithach raid gelin a chwest adel thraw lín :)


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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 22-Mar-2016 23:18:47
#55 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Nov-2003
Posts: 895
From: San remo -Italy-

thanks! it is a really big step forward! thanks to all the involved developer and a really BIG thank you to Trevor! that made all this possible! :)


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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 0:09:59
#56 ]
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From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 0:17:37
#57 ]
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Joined: 6-Mar-2015
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From: Oswego, NY USA

Great job well done!!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 0:19:14
#58 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England

Special thanks go to Andy Broad for developing the glslangValidator tool.

Thanks for the thanks, but "developing" is bit strong, "porting" (and fighting with the build system) would be fairer

Glad to the news of this is finally out! Big well done to Hans!

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 1:30:24
#59 ]
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Joined: 27-Dec-2003
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From: New Zealand

Awesome, is it based on the former Warp3d Nova specs or even code if any was written back then?

Naturally some inspiration was taken from the original Warp3D Nova plan (what little was publicly announced). However, its also drawing from the latest that's available. For example, the SPIR-V standard was only finalised end of 2015. SPIR-V is what Vulkan uses as input for shaders.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a vast majority of Sam460ex users, have the ATI Radeon™ 4000 Series graphics cards installed... (The same goes for the AmigaOne 500)

So support for these old cards, would be nice.

Nope. The bulk of Radeon HD users have shifted to Radeon HD 7xxx+ series cards. Of course, I'd welcome drivers for older hardware, which is what the DDK is for.


Radeon 7000-9250 don´t have advanced shader capabilities like newer GFX cards. Maybe their features are enough for Warp3D Nova, Hans could tell us, if such driver would be even possible.

IMHO, Radeon 7000-9250's shader capabilities are way too basic. That's why ATI never wrote a GLSL compiler for them. Of course, if someone wants to have a go at writing Warp3D Nova drivers for them anyway, then that's cool. Just know that it'll only ever be able to use really basic shaders.

Congratulations to the team and Trevor on realizing this goal.

Thanks. It's been a lot of work to get it this far (not done yet).

A question however, where does this leave AmigaOS in terms of future development by the core developers when it comes to modern technologies such as Gallium or similar. Are we all doomed to play catch up indefinitely? What I mean is does Warp3D Nova satisfy for now and we become complacent because it does the job just like OWB did, then Oddysey and the sad effort of Timberwolf?

What exactly will the future hold? Who knows? Just because Warp3D Nova exists doesn't mean that Gallium3D is no longer an option. Likewise, Warp3D Nova's current feature list isn't set in stone.

What I can say is that having programmable shaders opens up a whole new world of opportunities that we didn't have before. As quoted in the press release: "I'm very much looking forward to seeing what other developers create with it."

Beyond that, the future will be whatever we make of it. So, those wanting to create games should do so. We can have a lot of fun with what we already have. And, I'd love to see others having a go at graphics driver development. We could get more done if there were more people working on it.


Will AmigaOS fully support the capabilities of the GFX card ie Gallium 3D.

I'd say that Warp3D Nova is a good step in the right direction. Try not to get too bogged down with "supporting the very latest." My cell phone is years out of date, but still very useful.

I can't predict how far we'll get with graphics drivers (although I do hope to see video decoding, etc. at some point). What I can guarantee is that life will be better if you enjoy what you do have rather than obsessing over what you don't.

Will all cores of my CPU ever be supported and when?

All I can say is that Hyperion is working on multi-core support.


Last edited by Hans on 23-Mar-2016 at 03:37 AM.
Last edited by Hans on 23-Mar-2016 at 01:47 AM.

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Re: Introducing Warp3D Nova for OS4
Posted on 23-Mar-2016 1:43:39
#60 ]
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Joined: 27-Dec-2003
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From: New Zealand

OpenGL ES 2.0 ?

If I understand this correct, all OpenGL games has to be rewritten for OpenGL ES 2.0, as ES lacks glBegin() and glEnd() functions.

I have one word for you: Regal.

BTW, serious OpenGL games shouldn't be using glBegin()/glEnd(), as that's the old slow way. Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) is the way to get performance.

OpenGL ES 2.0 was chosen because it's the fastest path to a usable OpenGL implementation. GL ES2.0 ditches old legacy features such as the old fixed pipeline (and glBegin()/glEnd()), making implementing it so much easier. Plus, WebGL is based on GL ES 2.0, so WebGL will become a possiblity once Daniel is done. We just need someone to add it to Odyssey.

MESA does support multiple backends, so using Warp3D Nova as a backend instead of Gallium3D is an option for full OpenGL. The Regal project I mentioned above, is another.

OpenGL ES 2.0 vs ES 3.0

I wish that they'd said which ES 3.0 features they were using. Anyway, OpenGL ES 2.0 is a starting point.


Last edited by Hans on 23-Mar-2016 at 01:43 AM.

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