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hardware OS4   hardware OS4 : First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
   posted by MikeB on 11-Oct-2004 1:21:36 (15492 reads)
It is with considerable satisfaction that Hyperion Entertainment can now announce the immediate availability for download of the first Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release update for registered Amiga OS 4.0 users.

Notice: A moderator pressed the wrong button by mistake and deleted the previous news item and 120+ comments. Oh well, though luck, feel free to start again.

Due to the extent and scope of the improvements incorporated into the update, it comes in the form of a full ISO image (33 MB) which needs to be burned on CD-R(W) by the user and is intended to replace the original Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release CD for installation and rescue purposes.

Please note that the file as well as the resulting CD is for personal use only and may not be distributed in any form to third parties.

Registered users may also opt to order a new full CD which also contains the updated SDK and contribution section (details and terms to be announced shortly).

Among the new features are:

* Kernel-Level Altivec support.
* Much improved compatibilty/speed of 68k emulation (JIT not included yet)
* Improved 68k FPU emulation
* Fully PowerPC-native Picasso96/graphics system
* Fully PowerPC-native MUI
* USB support for input devices
* Support for onboard serial and parallel hardware
* Driver support for the SiI0680 IDE adaptor (including UDMA support)
* Improved PIO mode VIA driver
* Improved Internet capabilities and better ethernet support.
* Printing support
* Improved audio hardware support, including new drivers.
* Comprehensive bug fixes, speed improvements, added features and functionality across all system components.
* and much more...

Related Links
· More about hardware OS4
· News by MikeB

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 13-Oct-2004 12:49:44
#101 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 18-Jan-2004
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From: Norway: The land of fjords and red trolls

Not long till 120 now

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 13-Oct-2004 13:03:41
#102 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 2969
From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

Hi all,

Great to finally have the update, but....

I did a update of OS4 over my existing OS4 install. Everything went well, but when resetting it using Ctrl Amiga Amiga, the display is still mangled like it was before (the radeon 7000 bug ?!?) Why is that ? it was supposed to be fixed, right ?

And when playing an mpg using AMP and moving it about, the moving seems a bit jerkey, not as smooth as it seemed to be in the videos of the updated OS4 hanging around on the net. Is this normal ? Did I expect to much ?

Anyway, I thought that it was due to problems occured by updating my existing system, so I did a FRESH install.

But that changed nothing, the screen is till mangled after a warm reboot, the mpg moving is still jerkey, AND now when doing a cold boot, apart from getting 2 times the IDE scan I also get a 20 secs countdown to let me choose between a normal OS4 boot and a debug boot (slb2 ?)

I have a Uboot 1.1.1, A Radeon 7000, A1 G4 800 Mhz


Thanks, I hope someone knows what to do....


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When its time to meet the maker
Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 13-Oct-2004 14:49:30
#103 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Jun-2004
Posts: 917
From: Kumla, Sweden

The double IDE scan and 20 second countdown is normal. You can just press enter to make a selection and start booting. Maybe the countdown can be reduced, I don't know.

The only thing I can think of is that you didn't boot from the CD according to the instructions and that the install of some files failed because certain files on the HD were in use. This can't be the case if you formatted your WB partition when making the fresh install though.

If PiP is supported by the Radeon driver, you could try that with AMP (I think the option to AMP still is called "overlay" though, I probably didn't rename it) as it might speed things up.

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 13-Oct-2004 15:50:23
#104 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 2969
From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

Hi Amidog,

"The double IDE scan and 20 second countdown is normal. You can just press enter to make a selection and start booting. Maybe the countdown can be reduced, I don't know."

Maybe some of the Friedens can tell us how to disable this. This bootdelays are anoying.

"The only thing I can think of is that you didn't boot from the CD according to the instructions and that the install of some files failed because certain files on the HD were in use. This can't be the case if you formatted your WB partition when making the fresh install though."

I booted from the CD using the Uboot's select bootdevice option, and the second time I dis the 'boota' bit in Uboot's command line.

"If PiP is supported by the Radeon driver, you could try that with AMP (I think the option to AMP still is called "overlay" though, I probably didn't rename it) as it might speed things up."

Maybe I should have said about the AMP jerkeyness that it was just an example, I realy meant that moving a window is a bit jerkey, and as seen in the mentioned videos people ran multiple AMP windows and moving them smoothly.

I tied the overlay function and then selecting a mpg video results in AMP only playing sound ?!?

Anyway thanks for your reply !

btw can you move windows (with or without running a video) smoothly ?



Last edited by lizardrock on 13-Oct-2004 at 03:52 PM.

Theres a time to live and a time to die
When its time to meet the maker
Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 13-Oct-2004 16:38:48
#105 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 824
From: Swindon, UK, Earth somewhere in the galaxy

Great my broadband connetion just arrived today, I have made this my first download (just 9 mins). Its all installed minus uboot update and working alot faster and smoother, no more press any key to continue during boot..

Sadly my sound output has gone rather mute and the mixer has no effect.

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 13-Oct-2004 20:42:45
#106 ]
Super Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2003
Posts: 1297
From: going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.


Maybe the countdown can be reduced, I don't know.

That's in the UBoot menu. I certainly don't have the patience to wait around for a 20second countdown on a system that normally boots in less than 30.

And yes, you can just bypass the countdown by making a selection. And yes, I'm too lazy to do that.


Sadly my sound output has gone rather mute and the mixer has no effect.

Play around some with the AHI prefs. The Volume scaling in Unit 0 shouldn't be "Safe", for instance. (I have Full volume myself)

A1G4XE, OS4-pre

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 14-Oct-2004 15:09:29
#107 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 824
From: Swindon, UK, Earth somewhere in the galaxy

Yep sound is back now.
I've even updated uboot now and all seems ok

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Re: First AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update available
Posted on 14-Oct-2004 21:04:50
#108 ]
Super Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2004
Posts: 1174
From: Larisa, Greece

Hello to all again.

As I mentioned in my last post, the hard disk disappears under the new installation, so I can only boot from CD and have to run "Mounter" from the "Tools" directory to make it appear again.

Now, I tried this: I booted from the old installation CD and after the kickstart was loaded, the hard disk booted!!! There was a problem with preferences though (I had an apparently 4-colour screen and only "fake native" screenmodes available); probably with other things too, but I didn't try further. What could be the cause of this weird behaviour?

I take this chance to ask: which partition are the kickstart files read from? I have two boot partitions now, one with an upgraded installation (yes, I made a backup of the old files!) and one with the new clean installation. Of course they have different boot priorities.

I restored the backed up files and I can use my old system again... so, would it be something odd with the newer kickstart...?

Last edited by mwoof on 16-Oct-2004 at 06:55 PM.
Last edited by mwoof on 15-Oct-2004 at 12:43 AM.

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