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Announcement   Announcement : AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
   posted by Orgin on 16-Apr-2004 20:55:29 (94729 reads)
Leuven, Belgium - April 16, 2004. Hyperion Entertainment and the Amiga OS 4.0 development team are extremely pleased and relieved to announce that after nearly 30 months of painstaking development the Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release has gone gold and will be sent to the duplication plant on Monday, April 19, 2004.

The Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release consists of a current snapshot of AmigaOS 4.0 for the AmigaOne platform with a straightforward HTML installation guide in English, German, French and Italian as well as the Amiga OS 4.0 SDK.

The Amiga OS 4.0 SDK will allow near effortless migration of existing Amiga OS 3.x source-code to OS 4.0 as well as the creation of altogether new content.

The SDK comprises the following material:

* Complete Installer for easy and painless installation;
* GNU C Compiler 2.95.3;
* GNU C Compiler 3.4.0 RC 1;
* vbcc 0.8f;
* GNU GDB Source-Level Debugger;
* System Includes V 50;
* System Autodocs V 50;
* PDF Documentation on GNU C compilers and GNU Debugger;
* PDF Guide "Project Migration to AmigaOS 4.0";
* Example programs with source (among others: Reaction, expansion library, Roadshow, FFS2);
* Newlib.library (experimential, shared C library);
* CLIB2 source code.

Users will be able to register their copy at a soon-to-be-launched portal site which will offer Amiga OS 4.0 related content for download.

Hyperion Entertainment and the AmigaOS 4.0 development and beta-testing teams wish to thank all of you for your patience.

Amiga OS 4.0 (c) 2004 Hyperion Entertainment, developed under license from KMOS, Inc. All rights reserved. ?Amiga? and associated trademarks are registered trademarks of Amiga, Inc.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 18:30:52
#141 ]
New Member
Joined: 4-Apr-2004
Posts: 3
From: Scotland

I can feel another "Golden Era" coming on ...

/me wipes a tear from his eye.

Oh, and I guess this means that evi1rich can get back to working on UAE?

"We kept the dream alive."

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 18:32:29
#142 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 22-Jan-2003
Posts: 411
From: Edinburgh, Scotland

Well done peeps - my partner and I are planning to buy a home together so I fear I'm unlikely to be rushing out to buy an A1 anytime soon but I'm still over the moon that this milestone has finally been passed.

Congrats to Hyperion, the 3rd party developers and to everyone who has put their back into this since that terrible day in 1994. Thanks, also, to DaveyD and co for providing this site to keep folks occupied while they wait - your efforts have helped keep people on the scene and, hopefully, will draw in new interest in the future.

" bring me that horizon!"

Cpt Jack Sparrow - Pirates of The Caribbean

Folding@Home Team AmigaWorld no: 33424

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 19:27:15
#143 ]
Super Member
Joined: 10-Apr-2003
Posts: 1370
From: Denmark

Thanks alot to everybody involved in making this fantastic announcement possible. You're simply the best!!

And because of you I dare writing...

Amiga....The Immortal Computing Platform!

Long live Queen Amiga!!


On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 19:34:06
#144 ]
New Member
Joined: 5-Sep-2003
Posts: 9
From: Unknown

thanks all to the developers and betatesters of the OS4 team.


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 19:35:15
#145 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 2651
From: . . outside the Pod-bay; Australia

Well - I am surprised that no ones done a rendition of the 'Happy - happy - joy - joy' song?

Congratulations, and heartfelt thanks, to the ernest Hyperion workers and the beta-testers who've laboured on our behalf . . .

click to view
"H-e-e-ey! This is COOL, dudes!!

-vortexau, who's A1 XE-G4 remains at half-RAM !
A2000HD (from 1991) 060 64Mb PicassoII with OS3.5 . . . still working.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 19:59:30
#146 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 3045
From: USA


Fair enough - it just bugs me to see people doing their best to come up with ways to rain on our parade.

Nate, Rich, if you're reading this, I apologize. I'm still sad that you find it necessary to try to make this look like a bad thing. I'm not asking you to be happy about it, just don't try to shoot it down.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 20:06:00
#147 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Jun-2003
Posts: 1502
From: UK/South Wales


AT La......(Guru meditation, Hart failure imminent, Resuscitation in progress, Resuscitation successful.)

O where was I?... O yes...At last OS4 will be in my hands and on my A1.

Thanks Hyperion and all who was involved.


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 20:18:40
#148 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 7629
From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

Wow ... Screen gone mega wide

and I'm using 1280 x 1024

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 20:23:10
#149 ]
Joined: 2-Mar-2004
Posts: 32
From: Unknown

@shoe: I saw you in German TV, interviewed on AmiBGB fair in Sweden, can it be? There was a person interviewed undertitled with name and in brackets "shoe". You are a star now!
AmigaOS4 and AmigaOne were featured in a computer-magazine "neues" on GermanTV-channel "3sat" which was broadcasted today.
Really nice, positive 10 minutes report; you can get the link for the feed on in the comments-section of the topic (don't want to post the url here, because its not my traffic ;)...

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 20:31:30
#150 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 27-Aug-2003
Posts: 1679
From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4

Is this the same Newlib targeted for embedded systems?


On a desktop AmigaOS4 system, what benefit does working with Newlib have over the "normal" clib?

Newlib is a "normal" C-Lib. It's highly portable and therefore a prime candidate for en embedded target, but it has all the functionality of a normal C library.

The current version is still a bit limited; for example, it does not yet support POSIX signals and fcntl-style file I/O (clib2 does, of course), but that's going to change in the coming weeks.

Has it been more "amiga-ized" than libc?

In the sense that it is a shared library: yes.

Do many apps in OS4 use Newlib?

No. Most of them use the default clib2.

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 21:06:27
#151 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 3045
From: USA


Is clib2 a port of Linux's glibc then? I like the fact that there's going to be one single shared C library (it removes a barrier for people writing compilers for fun, you can now concentrate in the compiler instead of how to write fscanf), but I'm worried that we might also inherit the problems that Linux occasionally has, with binaries needing to be distributed for libc 5, libc 6, etc. In other words: If I put an OS4 binary on Aminet today and download it five years from now, will I have to hunt around for a compatible libc? Thanks to the versioning in OpenLibrary we won't quite have DLL Hell, but will I eventually have a collection of "libc.library"s in LIBS:?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 21:24:44
#152 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Nov-2003
Posts: 675
From: Haukipudas, Finland

Congratulations to all , this really is a huge step forward in Amiga history

Also, a BIG to OS4 team - you made the dream come true

Time to party!



"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." (Groucho Marx)

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 21:26:13
#153 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 344
From: Portugal

OT: Does anybody knows how long does OS4 takes to boot in a G4 A1?

Nice work, Hyperion and all envolved in this gigantic task.

My photos on Flickr

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 21:32:09
#154 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-May-2003
Posts: 1106
From: Austin, TX

Oh Jeez. Can hardly contain myself. All the ups and downs. Seems like ya' never can have what you want until you give up on it. When the KMOS announcement was made, I threw in the towels and started really looking at Debian and my AmigaOne. What was I gonna call it then?
unix. Bleh. But I, of my own free will, had brought her to the party. Guessed I would dance with who I brung....

Maybe the world does change. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but, today? Today its like I've shown up and it was a surprise party.

"They" said it was coming, but really had lost faith. Maybe this will be the turning point in a lot of things. Who knows? Hope only needs a crumb.

Thanks to Hyperion and EyeTech (but only a teenie thanks to Amiga, Inc.)

Is there somewhere we go to party into the night? Where's some good places? ANN? Y!a!h!o!o!?

..effects of civilization upon...nature, the growing gap between what education was supposed to accomplish and what it consisted of, the national debt and...high taxes, the problem of the excess cost of medical care -- Philip Wylie, 1951

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 21:38:00
#155 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Jan-2003
Posts: 3270
From: Charlotte, NC

And I see we got some new ppl at AW.NET, welcome guys!!!

I noticed yesterday that there were people who have been registered for quite awhile, but just posting for the first time to this news. Not only here. Maybe this will bring out some of the others from the wood works to help populate these forums.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 21:39:21
#156 ]
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Joined: 13-Jun-2003
Posts: 478
From: Unknown

clib is a link library, not a dynamic link library.

On Linux, there is the nasty dlopen() hack which gives you the ability to use link libs as if they were dynamic link libs, with all of the disadvantages that brings - i.e. needing every version of every lib installed, and a huge performance overhead as the MMU jumps all over the place.


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 17-Apr-2004 23:32:09
#157 ]
Super Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2003
Posts: 1297
From: going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.


OT: Does anybody knows how long does OS4 takes to boot in a G4 A1?

I personally fail to see how that could be deemed off topic? Of course, maybe you should've thrown in a few dozen more smilies to stay on track...

To answer your question, I have no idea.

However, here is an old AmigaWorld thread discussing "A1 / OS4 Boot Time" at the time. It would be interesting to have some more recent numbers, though.

Another "similar" question I'd like to have answered is what the current diskspace required for a minimal installation is. In an old thread Hans-Jörg estimates about eight Mb, for a minimal install. Would be interesting to know how that number's changed as more parts are now PPC and possibly additional functionality being introduced to the required items(?).
Not that it really, really matters if you'd need 8Mb, 9.5Mb or even 25Mb, but it's really cool with a smallish OS nevertheless!


I noticed yesterday that there were people who have been registered for quite awhile, but just posting for the first time to this news.

I noticed that as well, that's really fun to see! Though I wonder what'll happen once it's in the hands of us earlybirders and, more importantly, once the full-release OS4 hits the shelves. I'd guess there'd be an increase in registered users, though would it be unlikely to assume that forum activity might actually drop down?

As for me, I'll probably try to stay clear of this site for a few days at this very present. Considering it takes a few minutes to open a thread, if it even manages to load at all....guess you guys somehow got very popular all of a sudden?!

A1G4XE, OS4-pre

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 18-Apr-2004 0:34:20
#158 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 3-Sep-2003
Posts: 415
From: Cheney, WA


Thanks to you and your brother.

BTW, is that USB 1.0.x going to be available for download now?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Dave M.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 18-Apr-2004 0:49:31
# ]

anyone knows, if the full gcc is supplied (objective c, fortran, etc. ) ?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold
Posted on 18-Apr-2004 4:06:37
#160 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Jul-2003
Posts: 6739
From: Unknown


HWGA wrote:

I noticed yesterday that there were people who have been registered for quite awhile, but just posting for the first time to this news. Not only here. Maybe this will bring out some of the others from the wood works to help populate these forums.

Here's to me hoping for this eventuality as well!

The forums have been a bit too quiet lately... We need the new blood to speed things up a little

A few pints to the "n00biez" from me

Apparently this news article has made it to that slash place. Hopefully we are receiving good publicity, and that a few idiots are ruining it for the whole Amiga scene


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