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   posted by amigakit on 16-Nov-2015 14:04:32 (13550 reads)
Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Applications, utilities, datatypes and classes for the AmigaOS

San Francisco 19th October 2015

As part of our ongoing commitment to develop quality software content for both PowerPC and 68K AmigaOS systems A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased announce the upcoming release of the Enhancer Software package.

Enhancer Software is a collection of applications, utilities, datatypes and classes that will enhance the AmigaOS experience on your PowerPC or 68k Amiga. To create this package we contracted a number of current and former Amiga developers to produce new application and updates for our existing software products.

The result is a powerful mix of productivity and utility software
which includes:-

* MultiViewer
* MultiEdit
* ClipViewer
* Workbench CANDI
* InstallerNG
* SysInspector
* TuneNet
* X-Dock
* Datatypes
* Classes
* SmartFileSystem2
* Ringhio Notification Server

...and many more.

In line with our aim to support both 68k and PowerPC users, versions of the Enhancer
Software package will be available for both platforms. However, some applications and
utilities will be PowerPC or 68k specific and will be supplied in the appropriate in the Enhancer Soft-ware package. The Enhancer Software package will be
available from AMIStore and participating Amiga dealers.

For more information please visit: (coming soon)

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 8:06:49
#21 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 1-May-2012
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From: Unknown

Several people seems to ignore that some programs are only for OS3 and some only for OS4.1.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 8:22:43
#22 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2651

Some of the classes are newly created because of missing functionality that the new applications require. A-EON will of course be providing developer documentation and examples so others can use the classes in their own applications. These classes will also appear on OS3 concurrently and be updated in tandem with their OS4 counterparts.

Creating new content like this is costly, however it keeps developers active in the Amiga sector and provides them with the revenue from A-EON. A lot of the developers who contributed were lapsed and had all but left the Amiga, so the incentive of paid development work has helped them make the decision to dust off their keyboard and get coding again. I think this is good for us all.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 9:16:19
#23 ]
Joined: 31-Jan-2014
Posts: 49
From: Unknown

If it's bringing developers back then I think it can only be a good thing. I do hope these programs can also be bought individually though.


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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 9:43:08
#24 ]
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Joined: 12-May-2010
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From: Unknown

I still miss a important information (like on Tabor)

the price

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:23:03
#25 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia


Like none of you know how things happens here :) Trevor and Matt didn't have rights to os4, so they do all the best they can, to make a proper kind of business. Probably there is problems for them to get os4 rights from Ben (like he want millions ?:) ), or probably there is another problems which we didn't know. But for sure, what they do now is best at moment. How they should "include it all in the OS" if owner of os is another ppls ? Who will get money for that "included in the os" apps ? Hyperion ? Aeon ? How it all will be counted ? With who ? :) (haha) Making all that mambo-jambo with splitting those tasty dollars ?:) Like attract developers, they will works, and when time will come to pay, someone will be guilty , and then developers will be fucked up again and give up ? nah, far better how it now : Aeon do what they do, they attract developers, they pay to developers, and in end we have new software. Sure, some of software can be better to have by default in the os, but os owners are another persons, and there can be all kind of weird problems to deal with.

Maybe aeon dont want to buy os4 at all, or can't by some reassons (only then they can include all that in the OS). But at least now they make what none do in last 10 or how many yeas : they attract devs and pay for them.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:30:34
#26 ]
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Ben H. claimed that they invested 2.5 million dollar in the OS (500.000 because of legal dispute) so I think Trevor does not want to invest millions of dollars in it

but we will never know

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:32:58
#27 ]
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that is not precise... they cannot include it in the OS but they could preinstall it on the hardware they sell with preinstalled AmigaOS. It does not matter there if OS is owned by Hyperion then.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 17-Nov-2015 at 10:33 AM.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:36:11
#28 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Apr-2005
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From: Pomaz, Hungary


Every news release receives a warm welcome from me. But these are mostly just teasers.
When I see particularly this, I would like to launch AmiStore and buy the stuff.

Why don't hold it while the shipment receives AmiStore?

By the way currently 20% of AmiStore items are T.B.A. since a long time.

Don't get me wrong, just curious about the intentions.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:48:19
#29 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England

Sounds good, I just hope it comes out (Radiance anyone?).

Price, as long as it not too much I dont mind paying for these apps to be improved as without the money these apps would likely never see another improvement so I dont mind.

Some people point out it should be part of the OS, not paying for it, well the OS had a price cut recently, it was £100 just last year, now only £30 so now

AmigaOS 4.1FE £30
Radeon Driver £30
Enhancer Software - £40 or less would mean you still be paying less for the OS than a year ago. maybe Amigakit could do some kinda of bundle deal when buying the OS to get all the extras together at time of purchase at a even a cheaper price.

Last edited by amigang on 17-Nov-2015 at 11:18 AM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:49:59
#30 ]
Super Member
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From: Norway

I dont use AOS4, so I dont actually know; but where the programs in Enhancer package being activly updated before AEONKIT got involved?

Additionally; Ive seen over the years, the complaint against Hyperion that they never communicated anything regarding what they were working on etc.

AeonKit, while a bit more quiet these days, are atleast saying what they are doing/planning, even tho the software (and some hardware) aint done yet. Some have made the comment that they wish AeonKIt kept quiet until what they are working on is completed and ready to ship.
I can see both sides of the argument, but at the end of the day, it doesnt cost us a dime until they ship so I dont see what the problem is regarding that.

From no progress for years to some (albeit slow on mainstream scale) seems like an improvement.

+1 to what kas1e posted

Last edited by Overflow on 17-Nov-2015 at 11:03 AM.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 10:55:38
#31 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-May-2010
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From: Unknown

the announcement is similar to that of Tabor... important informations missing

like on Tabor no price and there is no exact list what improvements are done. If people have both they can decide.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 11:20:15
#32 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
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From: Beds, UK

Some of the classes are newly created because of missing functionality that the new applications require. A-EON will of course be providing developer documentation and examples so others can use the classes in their own applications. These classes will also appear on OS3 concurrently and be updated in tandem with their OS4 counterparts.

That's fine, but they still need to be freely distributable. Nobody is going to release some software and then say, "oh, btw it needs the Enhancer Pack".

Creating new content like this is costly, however it keeps developers active in the Amiga sector and provides them with the revenue from A-EON. A lot of the developers who contributed were lapsed and had all but left the Amiga, so the incentive of paid development work has helped them make the decision to dust off their keyboard and get coding again. I think this is good for us all.

Can't argue with that!

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 11:33:56
#33 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
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From: Czech Republic


pay for a bunch of utilities that would be either free in the long ago or should just be part of the (paid for) OS?

I think you're missing the point here. The OS is not evolving, few apps are written, devs are leaving because they lose motivation. What A-EON are trying to do is establish a stream of income that would help finance the further development of the platform. So now you can either sit back, demand apps/functionality for free and expect miracles - or buy a few software bits and bobs there to pour some money into the rusty pipe.

If the situation was normal then I'd perfectly agree with what you're saying. Unfortunately, we're not in such a situation.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 12:16:07
# ]

Now i get it...these packages are the successors to the famous Boing Bags - (tm), ® and © probably - so they can't or won't use the name, only the BB's were free, and now we get new stuff as well.


This type of information i didn't have, if i knew that the status of the OS ownership was still so...f**** up, i guess the solution presented is probably the best for all parties involved (?)

Also...where have you been, man?
Ages since i last saw a post from you

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 12:56:20
#35 ]
Joined: 4-Jul-2005
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@ Raziel:
Well .. no, it is actually in no way like a Boing Bag. The Boing Bags were official OS updates.
This is a 3rd party product with AmigaOS utilities and have no relation to AmigaOS updates at all.

Not that there's anything wrong with the product - just trying to set the facts straight :)

Thomas Graff Thøger

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 13:50:03
#36 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia

Interesting mix there. I do get the point about previous free software going up in price. InstallerNG was meant to replace Installer. I have TuneNet here. I also have SmartFileSystem2 and the weird sounding Ringhio came with my OS.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 19:28:49
# ]


Nice work! It's good to see Amiga developers supported like this. The hardware market seems very healthy right now, so I hope your work will help reinvigorate the software market too. I look forward to hearing more about the OS3.x version.


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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 21:38:38
#38 ]
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What's the X-Dock?

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 21:47:47
#39 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 15-Oct-2006
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From: Livorno, Italy

I suppose it's a new tool developed by zzd10h

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 17-Nov-2015 21:57:08
#40 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY

Honestly I dont get the thing...
Ok to (sup)port new and powefull software to AmigaOS but what's the sense of classes/datatypes, smartfilesystem2 and Ringhio?????????
That was BASICS of the OS and how happens if I buy the "new" OD release but dont want to buy that addons? I've some limitation?
Wasnt weird?

Last edited by Tuxedo on 17-Nov-2015 at 09:58 PM.

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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