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 Yssing:  3 hrs 44 mins ago News News : Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
   posted by amigakit on 16-Nov-2015 14:04:32 (13464 reads)
Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Applications, utilities, datatypes and classes for the AmigaOS

San Francisco 19th October 2015

As part of our ongoing commitment to develop quality software content for both PowerPC and 68K AmigaOS systems A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased announce the upcoming release of the Enhancer Software package.

Enhancer Software is a collection of applications, utilities, datatypes and classes that will enhance the AmigaOS experience on your PowerPC or 68k Amiga. To create this package we contracted a number of current and former Amiga developers to produce new application and updates for our existing software products.

The result is a powerful mix of productivity and utility software
which includes:-

* MultiViewer
* MultiEdit
* ClipViewer
* Workbench CANDI
* InstallerNG
* SysInspector
* TuneNet
* X-Dock
* Datatypes
* Classes
* SmartFileSystem2
* Ringhio Notification Server

...and many more.

In line with our aim to support both 68k and PowerPC users, versions of the Enhancer
Software package will be available for both platforms. However, some applications and
utilities will be PowerPC or 68k specific and will be supplied in the appropriate in the Enhancer Soft-ware package. The Enhancer Software package will be
available from AMIStore and participating Amiga dealers.

For more information please visit: (coming soon)

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 5:55:17
# ]



What is X-Dock?

Adding myself to your list of questions here, if i may?

What are the additions/changes to SmartFileSystem2?
What are the additions/changes to InstallerNG?
What are the additions/changes to Rhingio/Notification?

- Are those porgrams meant to replace the corresponding ones in the OS?
If not, are the "old" programs still be developed?

- Do installer scripts need to have a "fallback" script for old installer versions (that don't feature the additions)?

- How will you handle bug reports that deal with installer problems because users still have the "old" version" installed?
(this question also stands for all the "updated" OS parts in this package)

- And if one chose not to buy that package but stay with the OS released programs, will he/she be locked out of future programs that happen to use the new features of SFS2/InstallerNG/Ringio?

- I bought CANDI before, will i have to buy it again with this package (and probably once again when/if Radiance comes out), to receive any further updates/additions?

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 8:51:53
#62 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2100
From: Czech Republic


three words.. has that hurt or what?

Oh c'mon, you know it's not about those particular three words! It's about your general attitude in these forums: you keep being negative regardless of whatever gets posted about OS4/Hyperion/A-EON. Worse: you keep being negative about things that are apparently of no interest to you. You keep playing the game of a dissatisfied grumpy customer without actually being a customer. And that's why I'm "picking your post" from among the other "snipers". And yes, it is a pattern: I do have a soft spot for pointing at trolls.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 9:09:39
#63 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


The primary purpose of the Enhancer Software package is to encourage developers by ensuring they get payment for their hard work. A lot of the developers involved in this project were previously inactive due to retiring from the Amiga world or simply drifting away. A-EON was not involved in software production in the past, but many developers cited the lack of payments as a contributory factor for stopping or slowing down work on the Amiga. We are very pleased that they have returned and once more contributing to the Amiga in the programme.

To kickstart this programme, A-EON has had to put a lot of cash into getting things started and will continue to invest. However, every copy of the Enhancer Software that gets sold, the resulting revenue goes back to the developers to fund more work in 2016 and so on. Concurrent work for OS3 and OS4 is a key objective.

Ringhio Notifications: this has been updated internally 4 times now and we are working on another internal update which is version 53.34. Several bug fixes have been implemented which were outstanding since 2009. New features such as sound support has been added. The NotificationsPrefs now control switching sound on/off as well as choosing the sample and setting the volume. Applications can also send a sample file and volume to the NotificationServer so that bespoke sound alerts are also possible. Currently we are adding the time length of notification to be displayed on screen. Additionally the GUI has been updated to the new Final Edition's NewMenu standard with AISS icons.

SmartFileSystem v2: this has been updated twice internally so far, along with the diskcache with work done for the X5000. PartitionWizard and AmiDVD have also been updated. SFS2 has not been available for a few years so we are really pleased that it is now available again and is back in development. Joerg Strohmayer, the developer, has joined the Team and is providing some vital updates, so we are grateful to his help.

InstallerNG: this is still work in progress, with a new OS4 build readied last night. The source is OS3 specific so it is being rewritten in places for the OS4 SDK. We are going to use InstallerNG for AMIStore in future and the constituent parts of the Enhancer Software. As the standard Installer is already available, compatibility with legacy scripts is not the highest priority.

CANDI: there will be a special edition of CANDI on both the Radiance and Enhancer Software CD- it will likely not feature all the themes of the retail version. Users who have bought full retail version on AMIStore have already received half a dozen free updates this year and we plan at least one more.

X-Dock: this has gone through many revisions since it's initial concept which was to provide a dock to neatly house all the documentation PDF files for the X1000 (we previously had left icons out on the Workbench screen). The developer has done a wonderful job and progress is ongoing. It supports the usual rounded corners, transparency, Ringhio Notifications and some special extra features.

Bug Reporting: already has a bug tracker server set up which is currently being used by the developers and beta testers. It will be rolled out to public upon release.

In answering your final question: a lot of the software that is being developed will be available for Hyperion to include on the OS4 CD if they so wish, but we respect that will be their decision. From A-EON's perspective, new quality built hardware such as the AmigaOne X5000 and A1222 should have new quality software and the Enhancer Software is contributing to that goal.

Last edited by amigakit on 21-Nov-2015 at 09:17 AM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 9:14:46
#64 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1500
From: Unknown


Oh c'mon, you know it's not about those particular three words! It's about your general attitude in these forums: you keep being negative regardless of whatever gets posted about OS4/Hyperion/A-EON. Worse: you keep being negative about things that are apparently of no interest to you. You keep playing the game of a dissatisfied grumpy customer without actually being a customer. And that's why I'm "picking your post" from among the other "snipers". And yes, it is a pattern: I do have a soft spot for pointing at trolls.

Typically you turn someone into a customer by creating something they see as valuable.

However you know what's more annoying than wawa's griping at every news announcement? You attacking him every single time he posts.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 9:50:25
# ]


Thank you for all the insights and infos.

So, is X-Dock meant to replace AmiDock?
Or is it an update/upgrade to it?

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 10:02:25
#66 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639

Over the years, the Amiga has had many dock applications. It is the user's preference to which they prefer- that is the great thing about the software choices on Amiga! On my AmigaOne X5000, I have been running X-Dock for some months along with MultiEdit and MultiViewer.

X-Dock is evolving rapidly in features and a tremendous effort has been put into refining it over the months by the developer.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 10:03:58
# ]


I take it, it has (or will get) the same features that AmiDock has (and growing)?

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 10:20:21
#68 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639

Sure, I don't want to spoil any surprises of course. Suffice to say, AmiDock and many other docks were written originally in the 1990s and development of them was approached in a different way back then. With X-Dock, we are trying to listen to user feedback and think a little differently.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 10:49:03
#69 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 15-Oct-2006
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From: Livorno, Italy

@ AmigaKit

Sorry for the OT, do you have any news about X5000 release?

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 10:52:52
#70 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639

Hardware is done, ready to go, just awaiting OS and drivers now.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 12:15:23
#71 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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From: Unknown

Oh c'mon, you know it's not about those particular three words! It's about your general attitude in these forums: you keep being negative regardless of whatever gets posted about OS4/Hyperion/A-EON. Worse: you keep being negative about things that are apparently of no interest to you. You keep playing the game of a dissatisfied grumpy customer without actually being a customer. And that's why I'm "picking your post" from among the other "snipers". And yes, it is a pattern: I do have a soft spot for pointing at trolls.

have you considered that maybe the subject i comment upon desserve these comments, or at least they do in my eyes? maybe instead counting threads i have being critical count the threads i could have posted it but refrained from? heres another example of my usual trolling, go there and bash it:

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 12:55:59
#72 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


The thread where you get upset because someone says it's inclusion is good for MorphOS users. Later in the thread you get angry with Hans simply because he made an observation about how active the project is.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 13:06:24
#73 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 2-Aug-2007
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@ AmigaKit

I suppose some tools will have the possibility to be localized like MultiViewerNG in the past. How this will be handled, so localization will be done in the first release, and not later in an update?


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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 13:34:44
#74 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Jan-2010
Posts: 664
From: Isselburg,Germany

@amigakit can`t wait to buy it ;)


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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 15:08:57
#75 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown

The thread where you get upset because someone says it's inclusion is good for MorphOS users. Later in the thread you get angry with Hans simply because he made an observation about how active the project is.

i dont get upset or angry there. and i told it to you over there. its just all in your head together with your image of me you must have by now. and i have absolutely nothing against hans. i think i make there a valid argument against considering something abandoned just because it may deserve no update. and as you see cesare and itix agree with me.

similarly i could make some more detailed comments on the subject here i would consider constructive criticism, but it would be taken as trolling anyway, so i ll spare you.

Last edited by wawa on 21-Nov-2015 at 03:10 PM.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 15:15:14
#76 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Jan-2010
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From: Isselburg,Germany

@amigakit Could i be a betatester for it ?
Do you create cd files for translation?
I could do the german translation


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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 16:12:05
#77 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales

its just all in your head together with your image of me you must have by now.

If you feel that I have a particular image of you in my head then perhaps it's time to ask yourself why you think that might be.

i think i make there a valid argument against considering something abandoned just because it may deserve no update

Like I said already, Hans simply made a statement of fact. He didn't say that it was a bad thing or declare that PFS was dead. The argument you make is against something that he didn't even say. Read again what you just claimed about me and see how you are being hypocritical.

similarly i could make some more detailed comments on the subject here i would consider constructive criticism, but it would be taken as trolling anyway, so i ll spare you.

I'm sure that valid and constructive criticism would be welcome here, rather than just saying it's a load of fuss, which frankly, pretty well describes much of your input here.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 16:25:46
#78 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales

Hardware is done, ready to go, just awaiting OS and drivers now.

Will the boot classic environment option in the early boot menu be available when the system ships and can you give any more info on that, or is going to be kept under wraps until it's released. Obviously I have a fair idea but it would be interesting to see exactly what you have planned.

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 21-Nov-2015 17:03:21
#79 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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From: Unknown

If you feel that I have a particular image of you in my head then perhaps it's time to ask yourself why you think that might be.

thats actually your problem, not mine.

Like I said already, Hans simply made a statement of fact. He didn't say that it was a bad thing or declare that PFS was dead. The argument you make is against something that he didn't even say. Read again what you just claimed about me and see how you are being hypocritical.

hans wrote:
"A quick look at PFS' sourceforge project shows that the last commit was over a year ago. So not very active at the moment."

so what is that supposed to mean? i think its clear that hans is under impression that the project is unmaintained, because it doesnt receive enough number of commits over a time. which i know for a fact is wrong, because im in contact with toni and because i read also eab and other amiga forums. so whats wrong about correcting or raher commenting on this assumption? i think its a good news that there is a stable filesystem under active and competent maintenance, isnt it?

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Re: Enhancer Software package for PowerPC & 68k
Posted on 22-Nov-2015 4:50:58
#80 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 27-Dec-2003
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From: New Zealand

hans wrote:
"A quick look at PFS' sourceforge project shows that the last commit was over a year ago. So not very active at the moment."

so what is that supposed to mean? i think its clear that hans is under impression that the project is unmaintained, because it doesnt receive enough number of commits over a time. which i know for a fact is wrong, because im in contact with toni and because i read also eab and other amiga forums. so whats wrong about correcting or raher commenting on this assumption? i think its a good news that there is a stable filesystem under active and competent maintenance, isnt it?

What should be clear is that Hans thinks that the PFS project is "not very active at the moment." The person who started the thread was asking if development was continuing or not (which kind of implies that he's hoping for updated versions). My sole observation is that it looks like there isn't much happening.

Any assumptions are yours, not mine.


P.S., I'd still like to see an OS4 native version of PFS.

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