Your support is needed and is appreciated as is primarily dependent upon the support of its users.
As many of you know I don't spend much time on public boards. But when I woke up to full e-mail, jammed cell messages and many of my people pointing me to specific posts, I made an exception and have now spent several hours reading your comments and speculation. I certainly didn't mean to set all this off. My motivation in agreeing to the IRC was clearly my insanity - hopefully temporary. One disadvantage to this means of communication is it does not allow for quick follow-up questions. And, as an aside, the bot cut off some of my best and most controversial comments. But I guess the ones that got through filled that bill.
I would like to "clarify" a couple items. Please appreciate that I cannot and will not violate confidentiality, with anyone. I hope that I am not doing so now. 1. Is Amiga, Inc. planning to kill off AmigaOS 4.0? No, no, no and NO! 2. Does Hyperion (I refer to AmigaOne Partners) have the right to extend OS 4.0 to say 4.1? Yes they do. In fact, for you conspiracy theorists, that is the wrong question. Disclosing details of exactly what this means is confidential. Bottom line - they do have that right and I hope this comment doesn't violate our NDA. 3. Will they (extend that is)? That is a business decision. I would assume If AmigaOne Partners find the market, we all hope to see, this decision is obvious. 4. Do I have AmigaOS 4.0, do I have an Amiga computer, do I know how to turn it on? And, if I have it, what do I think of it? Yes I have OS 4 running on an Amiga and elsewhere (that ought to start a new thread). As an aside it was pretty difficult for us to get delivery in the US., even after pre-paying. I have brought this issue to Eyetech. I turned it on all by myself and am currently figuring out how to turn it off. I think Hyperion's work is very impressive. Particularly so when you consider the limited resources available the Frieden bothers, and many other developers, have to work with. As an aside, the Frieden brothers are very talented and yes I like them. I release them from any confidentiality if they wish to comment on me. And yes, AmigaOS 4 has utility in markets beyond the desktop. 5. Will AmigaAnywhere be on OS 4.0, when, who pays? We hope 1.5 and future versions will be. It makes sense to me. Remember, we released 1.5 last week. Hyperion is pretty busy getting 4.0 to all of you. If Hyperion wants it, it will be there. And we do the work. We pay and do the work for all AA enabled devices and to be honest we have a minimum installed threshold before proceeding. This minimum does not apply to AmigaOne and AmigaOS 4.0. It may make sense to wait for next version. 6. What is the best thing any of you can do to support AmigaOS 4.0? Go buy and AmigaOne and AmigaOS 4.0. If everyone concerned about extensions and the like either has or is buying the AmigaOne, it goes a long way toward those extensions. 7. Does Fleecy still work for Amiga? He certainly does. In fact, he better be working right now. I make the staffing decisions. 8. What's up with the web site, its design, etc.? We had to have one aspect of the site ready for a specific reason last week. I suggested the IRC be next Sunday. David pointed out that was Easter (good point). We moved the IRC forward, perhaps we should have moved it back. Knowing that many of you would be our first audience, we added several sections. Like all sites, is a living project. It will change very frequently. In the near term daily. Titles are being added all the time, and the like. Our immediate focus is ease of use. I did read many of your comments. I agree with some, disagree with others. We will make many changes ( a couple based on your specific feedback) but the site will focus on consumer marketing, most significantly the storefront and front page. As all of our developers know, the devnet portion is being designed with their input. 9. What's with all this AmigaAnywhere talk? Why should anyone care? For those of you only interested in the desktop, skip this. AmigaAnywhere is not what it used to be (DE). This, and future versions, not only extend the market but as I said, literally change what removable media is and does. It is a big deal to us and some in the industry. Some people really like this whole ease-of-use, cross device, scale anywhere solution. Some of you see it as some sort of distraction. It is not. BTW, I did not mention Capacity Networks in my comments. We are not using them in the solutions we're working one. We very much like what they do. We no longer own them. 10. Would I please disclose our strategy, features lists, partners, plans and the like? No. 11. Will I be doing another "interview" anytime soon? I refer you to my "Temporary Insanity" comment above. But if AW asks and it is around a product release, or other major development, I will do so. Other than this note, I won't be on public boards. 12. Finally, several comment like this, "What makes you think you're qualified to be CEO of Amiga or most anywhere else? I don't think you're up to the job." Believe me, there are numerous days when I agree with you. My best to all of you. Don't panic things are going pretty good. Robots was good, especially if you are a kid. Garry
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Poster | Thread | Anonymous
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:26:41
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| | This is something that was very important. I applaud you for making sincere, straight answers here. The interview was rather confusing. I'm sure this will make many people calm down.  |
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| | fuskoSCN
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:26:48
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 24-Mar-2003 Posts: 178
From: Haugesund, Norway | | |
| Thanks for this info!
fuskoSCN |
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:28:05
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 430
From: West of the Mississippi | | |
| @Garry
I would like to "clarify" a couple items. Please appreciate that I cannot and will not violate confidentiality, with anyone. I hope that I am not doing so now. |
Thanks, a nice follow-up  |
| Status: Offline |
| | Anonymous
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:29:31
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| | What? You thought we were serious? We knew every thing would be fine!
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| | herewegoagain
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:32:30
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 8-Jan-2003 Posts: 3270
From: Charlotte, NC | | |
| Quote:
I turned it on all by myself and am currently figuring out how to turn it off. |
LOL, gotta love a good sense of humor.
BTW, I did not mention Capacity Networks in my comments. We are not using them in the solutions we're working one. We very much like what they do. We no longer own them. |
Well there goes my theory down the chute. Anyway, it appears they did own them at some point. Glad that's cleared up... now we can all move on.
Hurray! Garry just propped the sky back up, and blew away all those dark clouds. All of that wasted thread posting for nothing... Bobson, you better be cancelling that Ebay auction. |
| Status: Offline |
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:33:40
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Joined: 23-Jul-2003 Posts: 32
From: Seville, Spain | | |
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:35:17
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Team Member  |
Joined: 5-Jun-2002 Posts: 2738
From: Belfast, N.Ireland | | |
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:36:56
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Super Member  |
Joined: 9-Jan-2003 Posts: 1439
From: Azjol-Nerub | | |
| Nice gesture . |
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:37:27
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 18-Jan-2004 Posts: 438
From: Norway: The land of fjords and red trolls | | |
| Good, now all can calm down and enjoy os4 and await its final release  _________________ If you need music for your productions, or graphics for your creations, feel free to contact me. also check out my music at
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:38:02
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 8042
From: | | |
| ok, this made me atleast interested.
stick to that and more will follow.
thanx for lifting the burdon of the ones who thought it was gameover.
cheers _________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:39:04
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 17-Aug-2003 Posts: 210
From: South of Heaven | | |
| That is a pretty kick-ass clarification...rumor control, damage control if you will
Now all the conspiracy theorists have more material to chew on (Starting with how DaveyD just made it all up etc..... )
 Last edited by JKD on 22-Mar-2005 at 12:42 AM.
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:39:55
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 8042
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| daveyD: i never turn my machine off, no amiga owner should have to do that unless theyre moving or inserting new hw....
 _________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:40:23
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 457
From: Denmark | | |
| This makes more sense to me than the IRC interview. Thank you, now I can sleep better.
RWO _________________ Debugging is a state of mind
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:43:59
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Super Member  |
Joined: 28-Apr-2003 Posts: 1797
From: Perth Australia | | |
| Thanks, I hope this will abate the needless worries some people have had. _________________ Greg Schofield, Perth Australia
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:44:50
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 26-Jul-2003 Posts: 154
From: Haugesund, Norway | | |
| Yea, this cleared it all up. Ever so greatfull!  _________________ God is a man with a grey beard. His name is Jay Glenn Miner.
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| | IonMane
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Re: Message from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 0:45:29
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Apr-2003 Posts: 550
From: Adelaide Australia. | | |
| Thanks Garry!
Poor sod, kind of reminds me of the episode of futureama where bender is floating through space and has a colony of people land on him who view him as God.Try to help, things dont work out, do nothing same result. Quote:
You must use the lightest touch so that nobody is even sure you did anything at all |
I think what Garry has been trying to say around the NDA is that Hyperion have the rights to develop and extend AmigaOS for pretty much as long as they wish. However, any future development of software, be it an OS or other application will be done in house.IF they come into a situation where they are developing OS4.0 or for OS4.0 they will get it done themselves.
At least I hope it is pretty clear they find OS4.x a valueable asset by now. There should be no more confusion about this, not that there should have been anyway.
It seems reasonabley clear to me that Amiga Inc. is planning to use OS4.0 on other devices without actually coming out any saying it point blank(that damn NDA again?)He did talk about the current distribution which does tend to indicate there will be other distributions for other devices/purposes.
everyone else, just think of the picture located here.
Anyway, I think you are doing a great job Garry, and although I understand and even agree with the silent company line, it does get difficult to live with at time so I hope you will forgive us when our enthusiasm causes us to boil over a bit.
ANyway, I will leave the rest of my opinions to another thread or I will go on for some considerable timeLast edited by IonMane on 22-Mar-2005 at 12:49 AM.
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| | cecilia
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 1:00:24
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Oct-2004 Posts: 860
From: Amiga Land | | |
| Thank you, Mr Hare. not that I was worried.
But, to the fellas here at AW, while I think your hearts were in the right place, the IRC chat format may simply NOT be the right way to disseminate this kind of info.
especially with that silly bot cutting off the ends of responses, etc etc, ad nauseum.
As Mr Hare is exceptionally qualified to speak all on his own, I suggest just having a simple interview next time, if there is a next time.
we don't need any more children sh*ting in their diapers, thank you! _________________ "In terms of worship, I worship the God of Irony. That's the only God that I know exists." Terry Gilliam
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 1:02:51
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 3-Mar-2003 Posts: 6487
From: Europe | | |
| A very positive and much needed follow-up. Thank you Garry!  |
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| | samo79
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 1:12:07
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 13-Feb-2003 Posts: 3505
From: Italy, Perugia | | |
| Thank for your explain Garry _________________ BACK FOR THE FUTURE
Sam440ep Flex 800 Mhz 1 GB Ram + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6 AmigaOne XE G3 800 Mhz - 640 MB Ram - Radeon 9200 SE + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
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Re: Follow-up from Garry Hare Posted on 22-Mar-2005 1:12:15
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 11-Dec-2002 Posts: 358
From: Chicago, Illinois | | |
| Thanks for the follow up Garry! I here by retract all my posts and statements. I should go delete them! You just have to understand. The community, including myself, has been through some very tough times when it comes to our parent company! Some of us have plans for the new Amiga, whether it be software development or other niche market ideas! We just want to make sure we are not making a mistake by commiting to the platform!
Yogi |
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