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Software News   Software News : IT'S DONE!
   posted by Rogue on 24-Dec-2006 15:59:13 (141138 reads)
Leuven, Belgium, 24 December 2006.

Hyperion-entertainment is very pleased to announce the immediate availability (for registered AmigaOne customers) of Amiga OS 4.0, The Final Update.

Originally released in May of 2004, Amiga OS 4.0 ( is the most stable, modern and feature-rich incarnation to date of the multi-media centric operating system launched by Commodore Business Machines (CBM) in 1985 with which it still retains a high degree of compatibility.

Amiga OS 4.0, The Final Update is the culmination of 5 years of development and takes the form of a stand-alone ISO image which contains a full installation of all Amiga OS 4.0 components.

A list of new features can be found here .

Availability of PowerPC hardware suitable for operation with Amiga OS 4.0 will be announced by third parties early 2007.

The Hyperion Entertainment management would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers and supporters a pleasant holiday season!

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Posted on 25-Dec-2006 23:11:02
#241 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 27-Nov-2003
Posts: 427
From: Belgium

Well i'll be damned! It's done?! :D

Congrats on the release mates!

@Unisef: Hey, long time no see! Still visit csaa ?

Amon's digital home

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Posted on 25-Dec-2006 23:56:42
#242 ]
Joined: 23-Oct-2004
Posts: 11
From: Milan, Italy

Thanks Hyperion for this great product!!


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 0:04:23
#243 ]
Joined: 19-Dec-2003
Posts: 46
From: Wisconsin, USA

A huge thank you to Hyperion and all of the developers.


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 2:38:04
#244 ]
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Joined: 25-Aug-2003
Posts: 150
From: Bergen - Norway

Why the he** can't everyone be happy with this release, I just feel bad when fellow amigans will dizz it, asAFAIK this is what everone would want to see the light of day for OS4. Thanks to Hyperion and the Friendends brothers for hanging in there (Everyone wouldn't hung out with all the bashing they have had to get from certan's just stupid, and I'm glad to see that Hyperionen and crew just hang in there......:) Thanks again guys...:)

regards :)

Now will you guys please get more involved in FIREFOX so I could go "all inn" on OS4....;)

Eventually before you do so, take a vacation and have a couple of Guinness...;)

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 4:03:34
#245 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2004
Posts: 31
From: Unknown

Great work Amiga OS 4.0 Team !!

OS 4 is faster, better, and more solid than ever.

Last edited by Amigaguy on 26-Dec-2006 at 04:05 AM.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 5:10:57
#246 ]
Super Member
Joined: 6-Feb-2004
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From: UK

While this is nice for those people who still have functioning AmigaOnes, I don't see much cause for celebration.

The reality of the moment it that OS4 is still an OS with a tiny (and shrinking) user base, no available hardware, and a future development path that is probably best described as 'deeply unclear'.

The final release of OS4 is like plugging a small hole in a sinking ship while water pours in through several large ones. It looks like a positive move, but the ship is still sinking and nothing has really changed...

Who do you serve, and who do you trust? - Galen

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 5:28:32
#247 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Apr-2003
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From: Fargo, ND, USA

Or perhaps the glass is half-FULL.

...wait... what?

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 5:34:24
#248 ]
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Joined: 8-Aug-2005
Posts: 346
From: Norway, Oslo

Really nice people! Thanks! Now I just hope that SharkPPC from Elbox starts to ship as they wait for the final version of AmigaOS4.

As blue or pink I am, I love the red ones.. ;) communists or coldhearted. strawberries or ice, sand or butterflies etc.. ;)))

OS4 and MOS is worth living for. These are wonderfull oses,.. and they unite people in such way it shows that its been loved from heart to heart. I wish Hyperion all the best in 2007 .. !!!

Michal, Amiga user since 1988

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 6:25:39
#249 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 3005
From: Stockholm, Sweden

Thank you so very much!!!!! AOS 4 final is really great! Everything flies and it looks great! The best x-mas present ever

Great work!

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 9:19:59
#250 ]
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Joined: 4-Oct-2004
Posts: 174
From: Italy, Northwest

The dream is truth!

my A1="Os4", Sam ="OS4.1"
Now Amiga 1200!

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 11:09:17
#251 ]
New Member
Joined: 21-Dec-2006
Posts: 1
From: Unknown

Very great news.

Congratulation to the Hyperion Team.


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 11:47:01
#252 ]
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From: Unknown

The naming fiasco might seem slightly odd but I can see some logic behind it all:

For over two years (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) Hyperion have been furnishing purchasers of A1s with updates to an OS which now has a feature set well in advance of that which was orignally promised. And they have been bound to do so because the agreement was that purchasers of AmigaONE's would be entitled to the full release of OS4 when it was ready.

Now it's done. All the "we're not going to release until we have some new hardware" comments aside, AmigaONE owners have OS4. Presumably, anyone wishing to upgrade to 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 etc will now have to pay (quite reasonably) a fee for doing so, and SOMEBODY (whether that be Amiga or Hyperion, I don't know) can start to earn some money for all the work Hyperion have done on the project.

I wouldn't imagine it will be too long before we see OS 4.1

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 11:51:24
#253 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown

Does this mean that 4.0 will be split up for us sad sacks still on Dial up or is just something left over from Update 4?

That was a left-over from Update #4, but I'll see that I can do a split-up version after Christmas.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 11:53:55
#254 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 7629
From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

Thats a logical conclusion.. However... New hardware needs to be forthcoming before anymore sales of Os>4 can occur.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 11:54:34
#255 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
Posts: 3999
From: Unknown

The reality of the moment it that OS4 is still an OS with a tiny (and shrinking) user base, no available hardware, and a future development path that is probably best described as 'deeply unclear'.

"deeply unclear"? To you maybe, but not to me.

And as I pointed out before (several times) Hyperion is no hardware company.

It looks like a positive move, but the ship is still sinking and nothing has really changed...

Your opinion. Others seem to think differently.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 11:59:33
#256 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 27-Aug-2003
Posts: 1679
From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4

@ some people here

It's really nice to see that some things NEVER change, no matter what happens.

This news item is about an OS4 release, and all some people can do is discuss the wording of the press release TO DEATH.

Sorry, but GET A FRIGGING LIFE. Fabio, Umisef, if you don't like it, just move the frell on and leave the Amiga scene alone. You both seem to be sooo high and mighty about how bad AmigaOS is, so why don't you just leave and never come back ? Oh, right, you are on an egomaniac trip to pee on everybodies parade. Forgot that, sorry.

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 12:08:02
#257 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Nov-2003
Posts: 1126
From: Italy


It's really nice to see that some things NEVER change, no matter what happens.

Yep, looks like it. Including your arrogance. Is there any need to take this on a personal level? you really can't help it, can you?


Sorry, but GET A FRIGGING LIFE. Fabio, Umisef, if you don't like it, just move the frell on and leave the Amiga scene alone. You both seem to be sooo high and mighty about how bad AmigaOS is, so why don't you just leave and never come back ? Oh, right, you are on an egomaniac trip to pee on everybodies parade. Forgot that, sorry.

Dude, if you learned to reply ON TOPIC for once, rather than just insulting and avoiding giving answers to the questions that you get asked, you'd make yourself a far better favour.

What's wrong with asking you and your brother what exactly you mean by "AmigaOS4 was released in 2004?" The more you get raged up about it, the more it looks like you've got something to hide.

For yourdeity's sake, for once in your life, behave like the grown up man you should be and stop crying fool right and left any time someone dares to ask you a question you don't feel comfortable answering to!

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

~~ Henry Ford

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 12:13:09
#258 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 7629
From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

Even if THEY had something to hide, Whats it any business of yours ?

Unless, of course you have an ulterior motive ?

So.. Do YOU ? or anyone your in connection with ?

Fact is..

Not a SINGLE AmigaONE owner is bothered about (prior) naming conventions.

We are the ones this update is for.

Thats ALL that matters.


I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 12:58:05
#259 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
Posts: 530
From: United Kingdom


@ some people here

It's really nice to see that some things NEVER change, no matter what happens.

This news item is about an OS4 release, and all some people can do is discuss the wording of the press release TO DEATH.

Sorry, but GET A FRIGGING LIFE. Fabio, Umisef, if you don't like it, just move the frell on and leave the Amiga scene alone. You both seem to be sooo high and mighty about how bad AmigaOS is, so why don't you just leave and never come back ? Oh, right, you are on an egomaniac trip to pee on everybodies parade. Forgot that, sorry.

Although I agree with your post, I think the best thing you could do is ignore these people, rather than give them the attention they crave. Respond to the positive and answer the install/technical questions and ignore those determined to pee on the parade no matter what, they'll get bored and go away when they realise no one's interested in what they have to say.

P.S. Congratulations on a job well done. Unfortunately I no longer have an Amiga One, but look forward to joining the party when new hardware comes in 2007.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 13:09:22
#260 ]
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Joined: 1-Aug-2003
Posts: 589
From: Melbourne, Australia

Flame/Attacks: Do not flame! Flaming refers to derogatory, abusive, threatening, sarcastic, rude, or otherwise mean-spirited messages directed at members/users. Be cautious when using sarcasm and humour. Without facial expressions and tone of voice, they do not translate easily over the Internet in posts and may be perceived as flaming. Report the flame posts immediately to an Amigaworld Team Member so that the situation can be dealt with immediately. A warning may be issued depending on the severity of flame/attacks.

Point: It's OS 4.0 The Final Update
Any further updates for OS4 will have a number AFTER THE DECIMAL POINT attached to it. Got it? Good.

Point: Hyperion Entertainment makes the OS, not the hardware.
Any questions or queries that you may have regarding the future development and availability of OS4 compatible hardware should be directed to people who are NOT PART OF HYPERION ENTERTAINMENT. Got it? Good.

Point: Amiga International licences the hardware.
Any questions or queries that you may have regarding the future licensing of OS4 compatible hardware should be directed to people who are NOT PART OF HYPERION ENTERTAINMENT. Got it? Good.

In closing: If it's going to get personal take it to email. If it's going to get personal and be creatively funny at the same time, take it to alt.flame or similar.

Last edited by tomazkid on 26-Dec-2006 at 04:07 PM.
Last edited by tomazkid on 26-Dec-2006 at 04:04 PM.
Last edited by DJRJ on 26-Dec-2006 at 01:12 PM.

logicalheart wrote:
You know that pretty sound you play when the computer starts?
You need another one to play when the computer is actually ready to use.
Maybe add more for malfunctions and then we'll have music all day.

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