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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 12:55:25
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Super Member  |
Joined: 12-Aug-2003 Posts: 1082
From: United States of Europe | | |
| I really don't understand why is so hard to understand "final update" term ?
>"Final Update" means the final update for OS 4.0. > >The next one will be 4.0.1 or 4.1, or whatever.
It ends 4.0 pruductline, next one is 4.1 and you probably need some cash to get it.
"final update " allso offers everything whitch has been promised to NG Amiga OS earlier.
No more missing features. etc |
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 13:05:59
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Joined: 24-Feb-2006 Posts: 220
From: Unknown | | |
| Quote:
"final update " allso offers everything whitch has been promised to NG Amiga OS earlier. No more missing features. etc |
Ehh no i doesnt. But that is fine. Plans change.
And as discussed in this tread the final final version (the one that is on pressed cd´s) will probobly contain last minute fixes and maybe some new features. |
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 13:31:29
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| @PsyDarken who wrote Quote:
I've got an clunky & noisy Windows PC, I hope I will have the opportunity to replace it soon with something sexier. |
Something like this perhaps? I know that's not what you meant, but it would be a good complement to a small OS4 machine - providing (spit) Windows compatibility when absolutely necessary. _________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:20:21
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Super Member  |
Joined: 25-May-2003 Posts: 1369
From: EU | | |
| Big Thank you.
Oh I nearly forgot to check! My A1 isn't running so much these times. _________________ A computerworld without MS products and Windows! Connect your Amigas ... ...The Red ONE-A1XE G4 - A3000T- A3000 - A4000 - A2500- A1000 - A600 - CDTV - CD32... and your PDAs and laptops ... Psion 5mx Pro - Psion NetBook - Apple iPhone - MacBook Pro
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:54:46
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Jan-2005 Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada | | |
| Quote:
And as discussed in this tread the final final version (the one that is on pressed cd´s) will probobly contain last minute fixes and maybe some new features. |
Yeah, like virtual memory and a gizilion bug fixes to the 100 or so issues I've see posted over the past few days on various sites. I'd say that this warrants a "Service Pack" before the "Final Release" version. 
I guess that's the problem with introducing too many new features in a new and "final" update. It's nice of them to include them, but they increase the chances of instability and almost guarantee that there will need to be another update to make it stable and consistent enough to release as "Final". It might have been less sexy but possibly better for them to have just focussed on fixing the relatively few bugs that Update 4 had, released it as Final Update a few months ago had and left these new features for version 4.1, IMHO.Last edited by elatour on 28-Dec-2006 at 02:56 PM.
_________________ When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids... 
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 15:22:10
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Super Member  |
Joined: 4-Apr-2003 Posts: 1225
From: U.K. | | |
| Quote:
Yeah, like virtual memory and a gizilion bug fixes to the 100 or so issues I've see posted over the past few days on various sites. I'd say that this warrants a "Service Pack" before the "Final Release" version. |
That's a bit unfair isn't it?
Some people have had issues with installation / setting things up or usage, but I think on the whole things have been pretty solid. OS4 Final certainly knocks the socks off OS3.9 as a release package, and that needed two boing bags.
I for one I'm glad it was finally released.  _________________ OS4.1 + SAM Flex RIP my A1XE.. that used to have an appetite for batteries!
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 15:27:15
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 18:16:22
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Jan-2005 Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada | | |
| @Bean Quote:
That's a bit unfair isn't it? |
Well, you might be right there. Perhaps it's not as bad as the impression I have gotten from some of the things I've read here and there over the past few days, and I guess only time will tell how serious some of these bugs are, although some of them DID seem pretty serious to me.
In any case, I'm happy something has been released, including some nice new features, but I was commenting on whether this update could really be called "Final" and whether it will really be "the CD image we'll use to press the Release CD." Again, only time will tell as more people report back what they find and how serious any issues they encounter are to them. _________________ When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids... 
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 19:47:39
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Super Member  |
Joined: 29-Mar-2004 Posts: 1812
From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered. | | |
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OS 4 was released in May 2004, and has been updated ever since. |
I prefer the term "went Gold" myself, but thats just me.  _________________ "The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 20:35:19
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 7-Mar-2003 Posts: 7629
From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni | | |
| Oi
No slacking.
Back to work and get that damn panda to shift !!
 _________________ ****************************************** I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 22:32:16
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Team Member  |
Joined: 13-Mar-2003 Posts: 4261
From: Unknown | | |
| Quote:
It ends 4.0 pruductline, next one is 4.1 and you probably need some cash to get it. |
Actually, no. It starts the 4.0 product line officially. Everything released up to now was a pre-release. From now on, there will be updates like 4.0.x, until 4.1 is eventually reached. You cannot end a product line before launching it to the world.
"final update " allso offers everything whitch has been promised to NG Amiga OS earlier.
Almost, some things will probably come in the point updates. _________________
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 28-Dec-2006 23:10:53
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From: Under The Moon - Howling in the Blue Grass | | |
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 29-Dec-2006 10:30:39
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Joined: 24-Jul-2004 Posts: 22
From: France | | |
| @ChrisH
Indeed, I'm looking for this kind of hardware : small and calm (possibly fanless) all-in-one boxes. The one with a Pentium M may meet my user needs, though not really my coder needs as I'm looking for documented hardware. And I still have no idea what OS to use for my next PC (I'm bored of Windows, I'm not a fan of Unix like design).
On the PowerPC side I enjoyed reading the a1k article about the Samantha board. I agree with the author : a replacement of the 440EP with its successor, the 440EPx, will greetly improve the current design, thus making this board a very interesting option for an elegant and small multimedia computer. |
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 0:02:03
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Joined: 2-Oct-2003 Posts: 1573
From: Atlanta | | |
| Quote:
My prediction for 2007 is that more is going to happen on the hardware side for the Amiga OS than the last 10 years. |
/optimism on
Yeah, bring it on! /optimism on hold
Plaz |
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 0:11:51
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Joined: 2-Oct-2003 Posts: 1573
From: Atlanta | | |
| Quote:
Am I the only one who feels confused at all this throwing around of names and numbers? |
Nope, me too. Perhaps it has to do with legalities associated with Amiga Inc. But then this made it totally clear.....
We called it Final update, because it is exactly that - the final update to OS 4.0. Everything else will be 4.01 and beyond, and eventually 4.1. |
so it looks like some of you guys have some sort of personal issues against me |
What, is it the hair issue again? I think the new avatar is rather "GQ".
Plaz |
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 3:17:50
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 1-Aug-2003 Posts: 678
From: Farmingdale NY | | |
| @ Elatour (edited out personal attack)
But your comments on the A1 beg for an answer. Simply put a bad/improper PSU and/or bad/improper Memory will KO ANY MACHINE!!!!!!
Change Memory and or PSU that should fix your problem.
(edited out personal attack) I got me some brand new ASUS/ABIT boards here that are damm picky about what DDR2 DIMMS are installed. Cheap PSU's well they are just bad period.
OS4 Final is just that. V4.0 everything up till now was just public beta versions. Hence the Title Pre-release that was on everything and everywhere. (edited out yet another personal attack) The Trolls just like throwing sand because OS4 is moving forward and continues to move. While they have been spinning thier wheels and going nowhere for a long time now.
The OS4.0 release is causing some pain mainly in the fact that it doesn't allow buggy programs to trash the system. THAT IS A GOOD THING PEOPLE. Having a system that allows programs to trash the system for the sake of compatibility or a pretty GUI is DOES NOT MAKE A GOOD OS.
In the comming Months OS4 will continue to improve and Mature past the 4.0 phase. This is just the beginning.
Yo says: You have good info to share Kgrach, can you present it in away that isn't so acerbic, please? Last edited by Yo on 30-Dec-2006 at 10:52 AM.
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 10:16:11
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Joined: 29-Apr-2005 Posts: 1991
From: UK | | |
| Well downloaded this at work, installed fine, and working well!
At the risk of sounding like a backhanded compliment, it's not that different to pre-release 4, but as that was great, and used as my main OS for almost a year, that fine by me.
Except it is a bit faster, snapper, not that it wad bad before, but a upgrade making it faster? We're not in Microsoftworld are we Toto? _________________ Rage quited 29th May 2011
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 13:03:38
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OS4 Core Developer  |
Joined: 14-Jul-2003 Posts: 3999
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| Quote:
Yeah, like virtual memory and a gizilion bug fixes to the 100 or so issues I've see posted over the past few days on various sites. I'd say that this warrants a "Service Pack" before the "Final Release" version. |
I have not seen any really serious issue. Most of them have been cleared up.
But then, I haven't expected anything better from you. Since you cannot find anything better to pick on, you are now going to pick on supposed bugs.. Next thing I suppose is going to be "lack of hardware" and then "port to x86". _________________ Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 13:24:21
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Joined: 10-Apr-2003 Posts: 1370
From: Denmark | | |
| @Rogue
Don't answer those people, go and answer all the others with serious is this the "official" relaunch of the amiga system/computer, or are you planning other stuff when hw is available?? _________________ On Planet Boing Trevor is God
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Re: IT'S DONE! Posted on 30-Dec-2006 14:00:01
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