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Internet News   Internet News : Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
   posted by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 1:15:23 (23271 reads)
Bill McEwen has now sent back the answers to the questions gathered by Wayne &Co. at

You can read them here

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 3:37:17
#21 ]
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Joined: 9-Apr-2004
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From: Central, NY USA

Why not? What do we know about it? I didn't get enough out of the answers to perceive any definition of what OS5 is, what features it does or does not have, if it will run on AmigaOnes or whatever other new PPC hardware may appear, apps compatibility, etc. Other than some possible but vague relationship to Anywhere, the product is undefined for us.

Why not? Tough to answer. I have absolutely no faith in the ability of Amiga Inc to create a new OS. They can't even create a decent web site.

What do we know about it? Almost nothing. My guess is that it's just the latest incarnation AmigaDE/Amiga Anywhere. Just look at the way he describes it as being able to run on multiple platforms. Sounds like AmigaDE to me.

apps compatibility, etc. - I will eat my hat if a single existing OS3.X or OS4.0 app runs natively on OS5. Sure it might be possible to do a recompile but I highly doubt it will be that easy. If none of my existing software runs then I see no reason to go there.

Last edited by BobW on 14-Sep-2006 at 03:39 AM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 3:40:22
#22 ]
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From: Unknown

...and read what everyone else's thoughts are before I formulate any opinions as of yet.

Waiting to see what others are saying isn't formulating an opinion, it's co-opting one.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 3:49:55
#23 ]
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Joined: 1-Mar-2004
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From: Chiba, Japan

Why is "every" in quotes?

At first glance I thought he was using the quotes to emphasize the word, but then I realized maybe he was in fact using them as they are often used -- to indicate something like "similar to but not really every". Well, I'm joking, of course. But no one who is familiar with the Amiga, Inc. history should be surprised by events and statements not quite meshing.

-- gary_c

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 4:08:26
#24 ]
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Joined: 11-Dec-2002
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From: Chicago, Illinois

Hi Everyone!

First, this guy is the biggest idiot on the planet. Would Amiga Inc just go
under already. We have been hearing this same song and dance for years from these guys. Like I have said a thousand times before, the only one making progress is Hyperion.

OS5 is Amiga Anywhere(or whatever it is called now), who is he kidding. This
has been so sucessful the past 5 years, I am sure it will be a big hit (hahahahaha). Wait, sink all your money in it, so we can be rid of you!

Look, get us the PPC hardware, and we will take it from there.

I wish I was rich, I would buy these morons out! Better start playing the


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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 4:11:35
#25 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

Currently we are stuck in a great deal of legal nonsense, and to say the least it is more than infuriating. However, we are confident that we will work through this and achieve a positive result.

I guess he can't say, for obvious reasons, what this legal nonsense is, but this is very interesting and sad indeed. Just when I thought the licensing crap couldn't get more convoluted than it already was, I find yet one more twist.

With regard to the “buyback” that everyone seems to know about, that money was paid and a contract signed by Ben Hermans on April 24th, 2003. Hyperion contacted us in desperate need of the funds immediately and we made the arrangements and sent them the money, which they received and they then signed the contract.

We then went further and paid tens of thousands of more dollars to have OS 4 ported to the IBM PowerPC 405 embedded processor and had OS 4 running on the Arctic reference platform. This was in partnership with IBM and we were very excited about the prospects and looking forward to building several new hardware platforms in partnership with Hyperion. Unfortunately, this is now in the hands of attorneys as we get everything worked out so that everyone, including the community, can enjoy this next step forward.

It appears from these statements that this buy back has already happenned, which would imply that Amiga Inc. already owns AOS4 and its source code outright. Also, the statement about money exchanging hands seems to contradict what Rogue has stated here most emphatically on more than one occasion, that at no time did Hyperion ever get any money from Amiga Inc. to port AOS to the PPC. So who's telling the truth or been missinfomed about this I wonder?!?! What's also really interesting here is that he seems to imply that some of the legal issues are with Hyperion! WTF!?!?

I will say that on a personal note, that I have had great conversations with the Friedens and I have enjoyed working with them, and I look forward to the opportunity of working with them as we move forward. The issues that we are dealing with are not with them.

I have had conversations with the Freidens about this, and once we have the legal situation resolved then we can put that horse before the cart. If we can not do it with OS 4, then I am sure the FIVE can take care of that issue.

Now this is really confusing. First he mentions that there are legal issues in the way of many things, but in general terms (see first quote above), then he seems to imply that these are with Hyperion, then he states that it's not with Hyperion! which is it?!?!

There must be a clear understanding however that we are looking for people and businesses that currently have revenues that can support this business. We request a business plan, budget and current revenue figures that are at least $ 500,000.00 per year in revenue.

After reading this statement, it is at least now obvious why at least some if not most of the proposals that some people have brought to Amiga Inc.'s attention have not yielded any form of feedback from AInc. Pretty much what I had suspected upon reviewing some of the allegedly refused or ignored proposals.

On a final note. I have to agree with some others here that if AOS5+ is basically someone else's rebranded OS (TAO's Intent) with additional developer and other content tossed in, with AOS4 basically being DOA before it is even released, then I don't have much to look forward to personally, other than to hope that AROS progresses at a faster pace than it has thus far.

I'm greatful to Bill for finally taking the time to communicate with the community, something which was long overdue, however, I just don't see much to celebrate about at this least IMHO.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 4:17:41
#26 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

Now this is really confusing. First he mentions that there are legal issues in the way of many things, but in general terms (see first quote above), then he seems to imply that these are with Hyperion, then he states that it's not with Hyperion! which is it?!?!

The Frieden brothers are not Hyperion.
I read it as A Inc. has some legal issues with Hyperion (the company), but the work with the Frieden brothers goes fine.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 4:30:42
#27 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


wish I was rich, I would buy these morons out! Better start playing the

If I won a huge lottery jackpot and was actually mad enough to contemplate doing something like this, I certainlyI wouldn't waste my money lining lawyers' pockets while trying to sort out all of the legal BS and dealing with various lawsuits for this and that from partners, developers, and anyone else with an axe to grind. I'd rather sponsor AROS in a serious way so that I might get to see this realized in serious way in my life time!

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 4:51:56
#28 ]
Joined: 31-Mar-2003
Posts: 69
From: Unknown

The answers have been updated to address everyone's concerns about OS5.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 5:12:22
#29 ]
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Joined: 21-Apr-2003
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From: Fargo, ND, USA

Waiting to see what others are saying isn't formulating an opinion, it's co-opting one.

No it isn't. It's gathering info from all angles first, before coming to a half-baked conclusion, thats all.

...wait... what?

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 5:16:13
#30 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


Wayne Hunt -- Bill, there is a lot of concern that "OS5" is "just another add-on to Intent.

Bill McEwen : Amiga OS 5 is NOT built on top of Intent and it is not related to Tao. This is 100% Amiga and yes there is a path from OS 4 to OS 5.

Many thanks for getting Bill to clarify this for us. This is certainly ALOT more encouraging news IMHO.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 6:42:53
#31 ]
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Joined: 27-Jun-2003
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From: The Netherlands

Why is "every" in quotes?

Perhaps because not "every" request was ever made/received ? (Not implying you didn't email them, just not everybody who claimed to have emailed Ainc had or the spam filters at Ainc are never read)

Last edited by Seer on 14-Sep-2006 at 07:03 AM.

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 7:21:40
#32 ]
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From: Chiba, Japan

His use of quotes is confusing. In the lines that follows, he puts "never" in quotes because, properly, he is indicating that other people used the word in accusations against the company. But he is saying "every" as far as I can tell, nobody is being quoted, nor is anyone being quoted when he says, later on, that Amino began selling "all" of its assets to KMOS. Is he so diabolical that he knows one inference of these odd uses of quotes is that he's hedging the real story, or is he simply misusing them in a way to add emphasis to the words?

Well, this is certainly too much thinking about trivia. But as I said before, it's folly to expect real candor from that outfit. I wonder if they've been trying to sell people on a dream for so long that they don't know any other way to communicate.

-- gary_c

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 7:34:53
#33 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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From: Göteborg, Sweden

Quote:I will say that on a personal note, that I have had great conversations with the Friedens and I have enjoyed working with them, and I look forward to the opportunity of working with them as we move forward. The issues that we are dealing with are not with them.

I have had conversations with the Freidens about this, and once we have the legal situation resolved then we can put that horse before the cart. If we can not do it with OS 4, then I am sure the FIVE can take care of that issue.

Now this is really confusing. First he mentions that there are legal issues in the way of many things, but in general terms (see first quote above), then he seems to imply that these are with Hyperion, then he states that it's not with Hyperion! which is it?!?!

A "legal issue" could mean almost anything. Especially if it revolves around something not already covered in existing contracts. Seeing as how a PS3 wouldn't be an "official" amiga hardware some other type of deal would have to be set up, maybe? It could also mean Bill has no wish in fighting any legal battles with Sony Corp.

I don't think this news is disturbing in the least. It shows that Hyperion feels committed enough to refuse to sell back OS4 and Amiga Inc is equally interested in aquiring it.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 8:43:41
#34 ]
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"The Frieden brothers are not Hyperion."

This is pure BS. A VOF is exactly the same as handelsbolag in Sweden
and I'm sure you know how that works. Two people own the company
together with equal rights and obligations to the company. It's not a share-
holding company where the owners are protected from legal issues.

In a VOF both are equally obligated to the court. This is a company
model that works well with, in this case, two brothers or a wife and
husband. It's not a company model you would chose with your friend..

If Hyperion is brought to court both the owners are dragged in as well.

Last edited by ironfist on 14-Sep-2006 at 08:47 AM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 8:46:44
#35 ]
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Joined: 31-Jul-2003
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

They work for Hyperion, afaik they don't own Hyperion.

Let's say you work for f.ex. SAAB.
If SAAB get's dragged into court, that doesn't affect you as an employee.

unless SAAB goes bust due to the court ruling and you loose your job of course.

*addon 2
IKEA is perhaps a better example, since IKEA is a private owned company.

Last edited by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 at 09:00 AM.
Last edited by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 at 08:59 AM.
Last edited by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 at 08:57 AM.
Last edited by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 at 08:50 AM.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 8:56:33
#36 ]
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From: Sydney (of course)

They are only contractors, as they have stated many times. Strictly, they are not even employees.


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 9:00:16
#37 ]
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From: United States of Europe

Some how I wonder are some peole actually READ questions and anwers ?????

Some comments are like lottery from words

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 9:01:34
#38 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

They are only contractors, as they have stated many times. Strictly, they are not even employees.

Thanks, that was what I was trying to explain.

Last edited by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 at 09:02 AM.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 9:15:40
#39 ]
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Then who does? Forming a VOF and then hire people makes
no sense. Shareholding is the way for employers..

You can't really say that the Friendens are temporary
consultants for Hyperion VOF. :P

SAAB is a shareholding company and that gives you, as
owner, a clear line between the company and you as a
person. A shareholding company is a legal entity, a VOF
is not.

Last edited by ironfist on 14-Sep-2006 at 09:17 AM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 9:16:11
#40 ]
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From: Antwerp / Belgium

OS5 2 years in development and nothing leaked out to the public ... I just wonder where this leading to.

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