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Software News   Software News : IT'S DONE!
   posted by Rogue on 24-Dec-2006 15:59:13 (141846 reads)
Leuven, Belgium, 24 December 2006.

Hyperion-entertainment is very pleased to announce the immediate availability (for registered AmigaOne customers) of Amiga OS 4.0, The Final Update.

Originally released in May of 2004, Amiga OS 4.0 ( is the most stable, modern and feature-rich incarnation to date of the multi-media centric operating system launched by Commodore Business Machines (CBM) in 1985 with which it still retains a high degree of compatibility.

Amiga OS 4.0, The Final Update is the culmination of 5 years of development and takes the form of a stand-alone ISO image which contains a full installation of all Amiga OS 4.0 components.

A list of new features can be found here .

Availability of PowerPC hardware suitable for operation with Amiga OS 4.0 will be announced by third parties early 2007.

The Hyperion Entertainment management would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers and supporters a pleasant holiday season!

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 17:29:22
#281 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

Time to advertise my A1 then ?

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 17:35:26
#282 ]
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Joined: 7-Aug-2005
Posts: 405
From: Sweden

Here's a recap
quote: hyperionmp
The rest of us will enjoy the fact that Amiga OS 4.0 - The Final Update (which is the version that will be used as a master for the CD production) has now been made available.

Master for the CD production.

In my eyes that means that
Amiga OS 4.0 has gone gold!
(gone gold being an expression for when a program/game is production ready via cd-presses (gone gold refers to the gold original mold used in pressing))

Most of you got AOS4 prerelease on cd-r, right?

Yes I own an Amiga. A non-upgraded A500 that is unpacked once every 3 years.

If you are going to quote me, do so fully or not at all.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 17:38:42
#283 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


I got it in an orange cd folder

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 17:49:59
#284 ]
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From: Sweden

that's not what I asked.
is the cd pressed or burnt?

Yes I own an Amiga. A non-upgraded A500 that is unpacked once every 3 years.

If you are going to quote me, do so fully or not at all.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 17:51:30
#285 ]
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Joined: 30-May-2003
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

They only pressed the first prerelease cds.. the updates (including final update) were downloadable from Hyperions site.

edit: to be more clear, they were not burnt on cd-r, they were pressed and packaged professionally.

Last edited by jahc on 26-Dec-2006 at 05:55 PM.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:03:50
#286 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


Thats what I got. A nicem professionally pressed and packaged disc.

Everything else was a download

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:06:16
#287 ]
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Joined: 7-Aug-2005
Posts: 405
From: Sweden

ok, thanks both of you.

so the OS has had 2 releases, now what's the hubbub about the 2004 release falemagn?

Why is it important that it has had 2 releases?
(one being the 2004 release) and the second being this, the final version?

in my eyes, this is like microsoft windows.

when you bought a release-date version of NT/2000/xp you got what would be called sp0.

but if you waited until sp1 or 2 (or 3,4,5,6,and 6e (??) in case of NT) was out, the disk you got would have that integrated, sort of a re-release?

so why?

Nice to see ackctrls posting again. How's your pops ? (it was your pops, right?)

Last edited by Insanity on 26-Dec-2006 at 06:08 PM.

Yes I own an Amiga. A non-upgraded A500 that is unpacked once every 3 years.

If you are going to quote me, do so fully or not at all.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:28:46
#288 ]
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From: Italy


so the OS has had 2 releases, now what's the hubbub about the 2004 release falemagn?

Why is it important that it has had 2 releases?
(one being the 2004 release) and the second being this, the final version?

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain this once again, just in case someone, like you, hasn't got the point clear yet.

Never, before this press release, it has been claimed that AmigaOS4 "has been released in 2004". In fact, on April 16th, 2004 a press release was made that announced "AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release goes gold".

This press release we're commenting on, instead, says that AmigaOS4 was "originally released in May of 2004." Notice the absence of the pre prefix there.

You may think this is nothing to be worried or even remotely care about, but the ones that have read the draft of the contract between Amiga Inc. and Hyperion know that the presence or lack of such a prefix has enormous implications on the legal status of AmigaOS4.

I suggest you read the posts from umisef in this thread to get a better picture of the situation.

I just think that given that many of you scream the word "scandal" out loud when BBRV talk about exploiting legal measures to get hold, in a way or another, of AmigaOS4, in the same vein you'd be interested to know that others too may be playing legal tricks, this time in order to excape some legally binding clauses in the contract they have with the holder of the rights to the "Amiga" name.

If you don't have double standards, that is.


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:33:04
#289 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


There will be new hardware to run Amiga OS 4.0 and an announcement will be made in the first week of January, and the source may surprise you.

I suspect there will be more than one announcement in January and from -more- than
one source. Let's be clear though, that the "intent" expressed to make said
announcements do not always translate to the action of actually -making- the

I'm sure it will surprise a few people.

Again, IF the announcements are made, it will be more than a "few" people who are

Several solutions based on previously existing Apple hardware were looked at, but the logistics of acquring the hardware for non-DIYers was going to be difficult to manage. Personally, the documentation aspect for driver development wasn't a big issue, but gathering sufficient quantities of motherboards efficiently and cost effectively wasn't going to work out.

Yes. But there was also the additional issue of dealing with the perception of this
hardware as being used/refurbished, even if THAT was not the principal reason for
dismissing this as an option.

It may have served as a short term solution, but the goal has always been to produce a board that could be manufactured to meet RoHS compliance and not be at the mercy of difficult to get parts or parts becoming obsolete due to the PC world changing so quickly.

Yes. This has always been about sustainability to a great degree. Many other plans
have been investigated only as "stop gap" measures and sometimes misinterpreted
as long term solutions.

My prediction for 2007 is that more is going to happen on the hardware side for the Amiga OS than the last 10 years.

A safe prediction, in my view. I might add the word "quality", if I may be so bold.

Best wishes to you and your family on the holidays and always Adam.
Thanks for the posts.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:33:27
#290 ]
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003
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From: United Kingdom

Does OS4 support bootable virtual CDROM / DVDROM drive images like a RAD: device ?

Download 499.26 Mbps, 659.94 Mbps Upload :)

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:38:49
#291 ]
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From: Mid Atlantic State USA

I'm almost 1000 miles from home and imagine my surprise to see this wonderful news item as I finally log in.

This thread is closing in on 300 posts but I was pleasantly surprised again to see I could eliminate almost 10% of them from the usual whines and complainers.

Congratulations to the whole OS4 team!


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 18:52:14
#292 ]
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From: South of Heaven


How about this for a change: I both congratulate Hyperion on a job well done and getting this significant update on OS4 out the door, and at the same time am interested in knowing the answers to Umisef's and Falemagn's questions? Anybody?

You are not the only person interested. I asked basically the same question earlier in the thread:

The fact that I'm interested to know (I'm not saying I'm entitled, just interested) doesn't in any way negate the fact that I'm truly congratulating them on getting this update out the door. From what I hear it is a major step forwards again and for that the guys at Hyperion and all the other people who have worked on OS4 deserve major respect.


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:07:08
#293 ]
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Joined: 2-Nov-2003
Posts: 637
From: Amigavatikan

Do you have a licens from Amiga Inc.?
I hope you will not disappoint us again.

AmigaOne X1000 1,8 Ghz/2 GB Ram + Radeon 6670 2 GB + AmigaOS4.1
A4000T CyberstormPPC 604e-200Mhz/060/128MB+CybervisionPPC 8MB + AmigaOS4
and anymore other Amigas...

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:18:15
#294 ]
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From: Valencia, Spain


so it looks like some of you guys have some sort of personal issues against me

I really hope you are not referring to me, since I have made no personal references, unless you are doing what you yourself have asked not to do with you, i.e. reading between lines, interpret hidden intentions from what I have actually wrote, etc...

Quite the contrary, I have always took you by an intelligent, clever person, capable of politely post even the most delicate matter, and that's in part why I don't understand your attitude now and here.

They are all but "cristal clear" answers. In fact, they prompted me to ask for clarifications, which I did with comment #154

Regarding your post #154, I find it recurrent. It seems every person here knew from the very beginning what the "It's done!" thing meant, given the known "When it's done" when talking about OS4 and given who's the poster, and that's even without reading the full post from Rogue. Even so, you asked and you got answers for your questions, polite ones.

From your post:

pardon me for not being overly cheerful

Provoking and unnecessary.

why's everyone posting dancing bananas if this is just another update?

Some would find it somehow provoking too... Anyway, see my comment above: it seems every person here knew from the very beginning what the "It's done!" thing meant.

Why is this one the final update and not the previous one?

Well, I think it's up to the developers to decide this. At some point, Firefox developers decided to release it as 2.0 version, even if just two week after the release a 2.0.1 update was needed. If you ask me, as a simple Firefox user that has been using previous beta version, I can't find any difference, not even between 2.0 and 2.0.1. Perhaps if I dig a bit a would find some, who knows, but that's not the question, the question is that I just can't believe an intelligent person made such question: "Why is this one the final update and not the previous one?" Because the persons in charge of the project have considered it was stable enough, or that enough serious bugs have been fixed, so remaining ones are minor bugs that can be addressed in subsequent boingbags or releases or whatever, or that it was about time to do it, and that's, more or less, what the Friedens have answered, that's why I find your re-questioning recurrent and unnecessary.



Amiga user since 1988
AOS4 Betatester
Member of ATO Spain
A1 Cfg

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:20:08
#295 ]
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Posts: 770

Do you have any schedule for a working prototype demo?
It would be nice to know if that is what you are doing in
January so people can be there.
I have a feeling you will be the announcer..

AmigaOS 4.0 Developers:
Congrats on completing your AmigaOS PowerPC port.


I wonder if Amiga Inc will hire the AmigaOS 4.0 developers
for AmigaOS 5.0.. What do you think?

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:20:22
#296 ]
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What isn't clear about new hardware being available in the press release? There will be new hardware to run Amiga OS 4.0 and an announcement will be made in the first week of January, and the source may surprise you.

Considering the number of statements that have come from you as well as others, including release dates- CPU modules, even repair and STILL non-return of a members 'fixed' A1 he's been waiting on for months now, PV LT, TL, etc etc....sorry, but I'll believe it when I can hold it in my hands (no, not even 'place an order') at this point.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but yet there is no PV LT, PV TL, CPU modules, Amy'05, nor Panda to purchase, or anything else at this time.

And yes, I wish you'd posted this in a separate thread, so as to not detract from the release of OS4.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:21:35
#297 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

I was just kidding anyway. Just janking your crank.

I await what is released in Q1 2007.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
A1200 PPC

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:38:23
#298 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

@ Ferry

Well put.

The constant questioning gives the impression that some are kicking around in the dust looking for ammunition.

I may well be wrong (I DO hope so)

But thats the gut feeling I get.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 19:51:10
#299 ]
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From: Unknown

Ring, bells, aloud; burn, bonfires, clear and bright,
To entertain great Amiga's lawful OS.

Many thanks to Hyperion and to all who participated.

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Posted on 26-Dec-2006 20:01:23
#300 ]
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Joined: 22-Apr-2005
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From: Lille


Now it's done (tm) Do you plan to release documentation for OS4, I mean developper and user manuals?
Have you some timeline or release date in mind?

Thanx for all the hard work and all the efforts .

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