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Software News   Software News : IT'S DONE!
   posted by Rogue on 24-Dec-2006 15:59:13 (140032 reads)
Leuven, Belgium, 24 December 2006.

Hyperion-entertainment is very pleased to announce the immediate availability (for registered AmigaOne customers) of Amiga OS 4.0, The Final Update.

Originally released in May of 2004, Amiga OS 4.0 ( is the most stable, modern and feature-rich incarnation to date of the multi-media centric operating system launched by Commodore Business Machines (CBM) in 1985 with which it still retains a high degree of compatibility.

Amiga OS 4.0, The Final Update is the culmination of 5 years of development and takes the form of a stand-alone ISO image which contains a full installation of all Amiga OS 4.0 components.

A list of new features can be found here .

Availability of PowerPC hardware suitable for operation with Amiga OS 4.0 will be announced by third parties early 2007.

The Hyperion Entertainment management would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers and supporters a pleasant holiday season!

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 19:18:47
#381 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042

Another great day for OS4.

Keep up the great work Hyperion.

To Every other developer/tester/translator
who participated in this wonderful product!,
Keep up the great work!.

Now bring us some Hardware (yes you!).

See my blog and collection website! .

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 19:41:26
#382 ]
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Joined: 18-Jan-2005
Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada


I agree. I see this more as word game with what is essentially Pre-Release Update 5, with a Release version due out at some point whenever some new hardware is available to run it on.

The fact that some core features which were supposed to be part of the Release version, such a virtual memory are not part of the OS, due to "not having had the time to work out the kinks with this and that", pretty much means that this is yet another pre-release, which doesn't exactly make it a release version by any stretch of the imagination...and therefore NOT ready/done.

IMHO, this is not much to get excited about until we see AOS4.0 - Release/Retail/OEM - or whatever they call it, available for purchase with or without hardware somewhere as a shrink wrapped package to an users, not just with a permantent developement grade motherboard - which will probably not be until this summer at the very earliest, at least IMHO. To me AOS4.0 is still in very much in the "When It's Ready/Done" stages.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 19:55:34
#383 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

That's the point I'm trying to raise: they tell you the wait is over ("it's done") but in fact you still have to wait for hardware to come... So I don't really see the difference when compared with christmas 2005,... "OS4 is there" & "Hardware is just around the corner"... Really ? Hum...

You hit the nail on the head there! We've been here not so long ago. I remember the statements about Update 4 when it was released, with claims of it being pretty much complete and ready for prime time, and the final update before its release with new hardware out within a month or two. So the question that begs to be asked is how is the current situation any different other than in wording alone? I think that this IS a legitimate question.

Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 09:17 PM.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:11:05
#384 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

Bit strange as ALL AmigaONE users i encountered were quite happy chums..

Then you definately did not encounter me. I was never pleased with my AmigaOne, but was somewhat pleased with AOS4 Pre-Release Update 4 - not the previous pre-releases, that is, when I actually actually managed to get my AmigaOne to boot it for the first time or was able to get it to run for more than an hour at a time without it locking up, which wasn't too often. Kinda hard to code or do anything useful with such an unstable system or on hardware you can't find to run it on.

Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 09:19 PM.
Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 08:12 PM.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:19:38
#385 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

Not a SINGLE AmigaONE owner is bothered about (prior) naming conventions.

Errr... I guess _I_ would be the single AmigaONE owner that begs to differ with that statement.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:32:12
#386 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

How about this for a change: I both congratulate Hyperion on a job well done and getting this significant update on OS4 out the door, and at the same time am interested in knowing the answers to Umisef's and Falemagn's questions? Anybody?

The fact that I'm interested to know (I'm not saying I'm entitled, just interested) doesn't in any way negate the fact that I'm truly congratulating them on getting this update out the door. From what I hear it is a major step forwards again and for that the guys at Hyperion and all the other people who have worked on OS4 deserve major respect.

I'll add my name to these thoughts. I too congratulate the AOS4 team on their efforts and accomplishments, but this does not mean that I wouldn't like hear some frank answers to some of those questions. Although the parties involved are more than entitled not to, specially if legally bound not to, but they should own up to that fact without needing to result to insults, otherwise they shouldn't blow a gasket and be surprised to see speculation and rumours surface soon after on what they DIDN'T answer.

Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 09:21 PM.
Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 09:21 PM.
Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 08:34 PM.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:33:32
#387 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni





I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:37:03
#388 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

@The Editor

All kidding aside - and we could make fun of the AmigaONE name 'til the cows come home - I'll bet there's more than just one.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:41:23
#389 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


My God! He lives!

My prediction for 2007 is that more is going to happen on the hardware side for the Amiga OS than the last 10 years.

Thanks for your predictions, and that's very interesting, but at this point its time for "Show Me" , not more predictions or more announcements - just products that we can buy please.

Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 08:44 PM.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:51:23
#390 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

Mind you, you are right American English and non-English speakers may see it differently , but I speak correct British Queens English and frankly its just splitting hairs.

Oh my! This will go a long way to spreading cheerfulness and good will around the globe!

Last edited by elatour on 27-Dec-2006 at 08:51 PM.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 20:54:49
#391 ]
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Why do you want to ask/know ?

I find it strange that only people who have previously stated they are not interested in OS4 ask these questions.

Thank you for acknowledging my post. :)

First off, I wouldn't consider myself "not interested in OS4". I have a long history with Amiga, owned several models in a span of over twenty years, did my share of shareware programming and more than my share of community activities, do own one classic still (as well as Amiga Forever and some software), and did buy a Pegasos at one time because I found myself interested in the next step of an Amiga-compatible system and that was the only thing that was available then, OS4 was not. I did sell the Pegasos quite soon with not much use for myself at the time, though. AmigaOne never did interest me because of failings of that particular family of hardware. Given a different situation, AmigaOS 4.0 might very well interest me - I do have a history of buying into this kind of stuff. The hardware situation would need resolving though.

Back to your question. I have a history of interest in the Amiga and as such at least an emotional link to it, if not very much a practical link these days. I have emotional vested interest, if one can put it that way. Add to that just plain old curious and I guess that sums up the answer. I think there are unanswered questions, in this thread and elsewhere, about the future of AmigaOS and I would be interested in knowing the answers. I am not, again, saying I'm entitled to know such answers, but I would like to - call it curious, call it caring, but the interest is not there by design of any ulteriour motive, it is just inherent and perhaps even unintentional on my part.

I guess maybe those of us who spend their time in the Amiga land pondering these issues may be more interested (because our current interest revolves more around information than practice) than those who spend more of the same time playing with their next-gen AmigaOS systems, I don't know. Or perhaps it is easier for bystanders to discuss the hard issues because they haven't invested in the topic of the discussion as much as those who have bought into it. Or perhaps those who bought in are more "fan" and thus unlikely to ask tougher questions than those who haven't bought in... I guess that might hold true at least for some people.

I can't seem to stay away and stay not interested even if I try and even if there no other tangible link to Amiga in my usual day these days... other than that history and interest that makes me return. :)

I would, though, like to emphasize that I do appreciate this news enough to not dwell on this side-issue. I only answered because you asked directly. I think the news themselves are more important than the questions you asked about, if for nothing else than for honouring the work done by giving the news the space and peace it deserves.

Kudos for the progress made, truly.

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 21:14:07
#392 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

IMO, the questions posed by Fabio and Bernie are fair, and deserve an honest answer. If there are legal reasons for not answering them, just say so. Attacking the messenger only puts you in a bad light and kills your credibility.

Well said!

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 21:21:00
#393 ]
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Now, just imagine what would this thread be like and how much longer it would be if all the ones that have asked the same questions I asked were to get the same amount of insulting and screaming posts in return.

Some food for thought there!

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

~~ Henry Ford

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 21:39:02
#394 ]
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Poster: falemagn Date: 27-Dec-2006 22:21:00
Now, just imagine what would this thread be like and how much longer it would be if all the ones that have asked the same questions I asked were to get the same amount of insulting and screaming posts in return.
Some food for thought there!

good question. I know how long it would have been if would not have let people ask akward questions. Around 40 post (Grabbed from a hole in the ground). Here we are soon up to 400.

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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 22:02:30
#395 ]
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Now, just imagine what would this thread be like and how much longer it would be if all the ones that have asked the same questions I asked were to get the same amount of insulting and screaming posts in return

I feel pity for you. Shame on all the people bashing you.


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Posted on 27-Dec-2006 22:34:45
#396 ]
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It's unfortunate but necessary. The only other alternative is stand ideally by and give free reign to mischief makers that have no genuine interest in OS4 beyond constantly trying to undermind the product.

Last edited by Akiko on 27-Dec-2006 at 10:35 PM.

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Posted on 28-Dec-2006 2:03:14
#397 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


Mind you, you are right American English and non-English speakers may see it differently , but I speak correct British Queens English and frankly its just splitting hairs.

Oh my! This will go a long way to spreading cheerfulness and good will around the globe!

Did you stop reading at that point of the message? That was a setup for his joke.. (see: second half of his post).

Or.. are you joking too and I didnt get it?


Email Rogue, hes offered to help people with their OS4 downloading accounts. I realise you dont have one, but maybe he can help you all the same. He's made the offer multiple times in various OS4 ITS DONE news items.. good luck.


Are you getting married in that avatar? You look good!

Last edited by jahc on 28-Dec-2006 at 02:08 AM.

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Posted on 28-Dec-2006 3:29:00
#398 ]
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From: Dallas, Texas

Cheers Hyperion, will d/l when I can.

Da Rude!

2017 Camaro 2SS

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Posted on 28-Dec-2006 6:33:04
#399 ]
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From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA, Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy

Well, I apologize for not having waded in here alot earlier with this, but:

CONGRATS!!! It is so nice to have the Final Release version of OS4.0 out, even if there isn't new hardware on hand to bundle it with right now...

Now hopefully this will help push along the release of new hardware soon.

"I love peacenicks, they're so easy to conquer." --Ivan J Ironfist, the Dictator

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Posted on 28-Dec-2006 11:52:56
#400 ]
Joined: 18-Aug-2003
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From: Braunschweig, Germany


Now I am waiting for some hardware to show up...

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