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Internet News   Internet News : Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
   posted by tomazkid on 14-Sep-2006 1:15:23 (23270 reads)
Bill McEwen has now sent back the answers to the questions gathered by Wayne &Co. at

You can read them here

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 11:53:12
#61 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


the indication means,he did not said it directly,but he said sth to conclude it from

He didn't say it then. It is important to stay to the facts or else we will end up creating more nonsense.

We still have no idea what OS5 is other than it has been 2 years in development.


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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:04:21
#62 ]
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>We still have no idea what OS5 is other than it has been 2 years in development.

and this is what I would like to know more about...

Bill should start talking a bit more about some things from now on...

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:05:22
#63 ]
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From: Belgium

Bill McEwen : Amiga OS 5 is NOT built on top of Intent and it is not related to Tao. This is 100% Amiga and yes there is a path from OS 4 to OS 5.

The most importend thing for me is that there is a path from OS4 to OS5.

So now i have another question:

Is everything that is developed and will be developed for OS4, going to work on OS5?

ps: can someone put this question at

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:08:55
#64 ]
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From: Good old Europe.

The most importend thing for me is that there is a path from OS4 to OS5.

That's irrelevant for me since there is not even a path to OS4 yet.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:21:03
#65 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal

That's irrelevant for me since there is not even a path to OS4 yet.

hatschi, you crack me up!

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:40:49
#66 ]
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain

does not give the feel that both companies (hyperion an Ainc) are passing the ball to each other about who are the "bad guys"?

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:48:45
#67 ]
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On a final note. I have to agree with some others here that if AOS5+ is basically someone else's rebranded OS (TAO's Intent) with additional developer and other content tossed in, with AOS4 basically being DOA before it is even released, then I don't have much to look forward to personally, other than to hope that AROS progresses at a faster pace than it has thus far.

He have already stated in a follow up answer that OS5 is indeed NOT based on tao's intent and that it is 100% amiga"whatever that means". The big question now is wether it is based on os3.x/4.x or if it is something entirely new.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 12:53:26
#68 ]
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@Bobsonsirjonny who said Quote:

...Troika: It appears that they do not have a license...

But they have been in talks with Hyperion.. Hyperion own OS 4 (at the moment at least..)

Umm, not really. Hyperion (possibly) owns the source code, but not the freedom to use it - Amiga Inc gets to say what hardware they can & cannot sell it with. Amiga Inc grants the licenses, not Hyperion. If Troika/Hyperion ignore Amiga Inc (and perhaps they intend to), then Amiga Inc is well within their rights to sue them. Have a look at the leaked contract.

(According to my armchair-lawyer understanding of the situation anyway!)

I expect blood (or non-appearance) at Troika's Big Bash table

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 13:06:54
#69 ]
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From: Chicago, Illinois

I just had a thought.

Maybe that is what is going on here. Hyperion is suing to keep OS 4.0. Maybe because Amiga Inc. will not license any hardware, they are in breech of contract of good faith. Who knows. I do know one thing, Amiga Inc, signed this contract when they were on the rocks from what I understand. Maybe hyperion has something to stand on. If this is the case, go Hyperion, sue them in to oblivion.


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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 13:47:11
#70 ]
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From: Cheshire, England

Actually I’ve notice a few things, a few people have been saying how can work begin on OS5 when OS4 is not out yet, but back in 2002 in this statement
“AmigaOS4.0 in its final stages of development and testing” The timing is right, which may mean that Amiga had a early build version of the OS for a while, OS5 could be based on that, pulse in the really old technical update, that listed the features of OS5
It say it includes a AmigaOS4 sandbox.

What I don’t get is why is Bill taking now, when from the sounds of things everything will be shorted in the next few months anyway, wouldn’t it be better to break the silence then.

Last edited by amigang on 14-Sep-2006 at 01:50 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 13:48:37
#71 ]
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I am not sure that Hyperion has the funds to sue anybody. If we can trust Bill, it seems that Amiga has some reasonable financial backing at the moment.

And if - IF - Amiga, Inc has payed the agreed amount of money to Hyperion for OS4. Well, then it seems fair that they received what they have payed for... IMHO...

Kind regards,

Running OS4.1 on an AmigaONE

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 14:14:32
#72 ]
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From: UK

@ChrisH and Forum

I expect blood (or non-appearance) at Troika's Big Bash table

Shame, I feel totally fed up with the OS4.0 situation after all that

Hyperion do all the work and show that the Amiga OS has something to offer.
Troika seemingly step up to the plate to get working hardware.
& then Amiga Inc.....
a).........announce OS5.0 before OS4.0 is even shipping!!

We want to see OS 4 ship, but by the time we get everything worked out you may be running version 5.

b) about their AmigaAnyware achievments as if they are the best thing since the A500 and continue to involve this overblown PocketPC game platform in the future of our beloved 'miggy!

Software publishing is a big part of our business plan and model.......we never want to be in competition with the developers, we instead want to share in the revenue with the developer and be part of the marketing and branding process with the developer. This offers everyone more flexibility and operates more like a Nintendo or Sony, or even Dolby for that matter.

c).......announce belatedly that they know of better hardware people who could do a better job than Troika/ACK and all current Amiga hardware project developers.

We then went further and paid tens of thousands of more dollars to have OS 4 ported to the IBM PowerPC 405 embedded processor and had OS 4 running on the Arctic reference platform. This was in partnership with IBM and we were very excited about the prospects and looking forward to building several new hardware platforms in partnership with Hyperion. Unfortunately, this is now in the hands of attorneys as we get everything worked out so that everyone, including the community, can enjoy this next step forward.

We also need to have relationships with those companies who have a track record of delivering hardware, and the discussions that we are having are with those kinds of companies.

d)........uncover a dispute between them and Hyperion and act like a long lost father who gave his son up for adoption & then decides to get him back again just as he's about to turn 18!

We were not divesting ourselves of the OS, but were approached by Hyperion and Eyetech with a method to get there faster, or at least we thought that it was going to be faster.

Anyone who worked, works, or is going to work on OS 4 better get paid. We have made offers to Hyperion to resolve this matter that we believe are fair, but we have been turned down on three separate occasions. At this point, we are still trying to work it out.

Are Bill McEwen and Amiga Inc, purposely trying to regain control over a project that they have neglected until November 2005? Why didn't they think of "helping" Hyperion find hardware partners before then?!!?

Bill McEwen -- We have been working since last November on locating a hardware partner for new PowerPC based hardware and we have made some slow but successful progress.

Last edited by BigD on 14-Sep-2006 at 02:16 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 14:17:39
#73 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2003
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@ amigang

Actually I’ve notice a few things, a few people have been saying how can work begin on OS5 when OS4 is not out yet, but back in 2002 in this statement

“AmigaOS4.0 in its final stages of development and testing” The timing is right, which may mean that Amiga had a early build version of the OS for a while, OS5 could be based on that, pulse in the really old technical update, that listed the features of OS5
It say it includes a AmigaOS4 sandbox.

What I don’t get is why is Bill taking now, when from the sounds of things everything will be shorted in the next few months anyway, wouldn’t it be better to break the silence then.

IIRC they were in talks to use MORPHOS - hence the "On schedule and rocking" statement etc..

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 14:53:53
#74 ]
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IIRC they were in talks to use MORPHOS - hence the "On schedule and rocking" statement etc..

Not in November 2002. At that time first batch of Pegasos 1 was shipping. Hyperion took OS4 project in late 2001 after Amiga Inc and MorphOS came in to disagreement.


November 19, 2002 - With the AmigaOne now shipping and AmigaOS4.0 in its final stages of development and testing, the time has come to begin letting the rest of the world know the good news, that the Amiga is alive, well and ready to let the World have fun with computing again.


Thank you, as ever, for your continued support and commitment.

Bill McEwen and the team at Amiga
Ben Hermans, Hyperion
Alan Redhouse, Eyetech

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 14:58:13
#75 ]
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It shows that Hyperion feels committed enough to refuse to sell back OS4 and Amiga Inc is equally interested in aquiring it.

As far I could gather from Bill's comments, it appeared pretty clear - at least to me anyway - that this has already happenned, back in 2004 actually from his statements regarding money paid to Hyperion.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 15:02:14
#76 ]
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I think Tomazkid meant that they are not the owners and/or directors of it, or if they are, that they are not the sole owners. I thought Ben Hermans actually owned the company and was the legal and finanicial arm of the company, not the Frieden brothers? I think the reason we so often tend to equate or confuse the Frieden brothers with Hyperion is that Rogue has so often spoken so officially on their behalf about a great many things, including using the term "we" when talking about pouring (or should that be sinking ), 500,000 dollars or euros of their "own" money into the project thus far, statements "clarifying" that they had never asked for or received any money from AInc. for porting AOS to PPC, what they will and will not do, commenting on the various items regarding their contract with AInc., etc.

Last edited by elatour on 14-Sep-2006 at 03:20 PM.
Last edited by elatour on 14-Sep-2006 at 03:17 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 15:09:41
#77 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

..But they have been in talks with Hyperion.. Hyperion own OS 4 (at the moment at least..)

Did I misread Bill's Q&A replies and am I the only one to have gotten from his comments that the AOS4 buyback from Hyperion had already happenned back in 2004? I could be loosing my marbles, so someone please clear this up for me.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 15:27:20
#78 ]
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Joined: 16-Nov-2003
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From: Sherborne, UK

I too understood it that Amiga had bought back AmigaOS4. Maybe we're both wrong

Last edited by mtreasure on 14-Sep-2006 at 03:28 PM.


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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 16:17:03
#79 ]
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Don't worry to much. I kidnapped the fat lady and put a sock in her mouth.

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Re: Amiga Inc. 25 Questions With Bill McEwen with answers
Posted on 14-Sep-2006 16:23:02
#80 ]
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Bill McEwen : Amiga OS 5 is NOT built on top of Intent and it is not related to Tao. This is 100% Amiga and yes there is a path from OS 4 to OS 5.

Ok, thats a little more positive. There is no way I could have gotten behind an OS that was based on Intent.

I'm still not convinced about OS5. I'd need to know a lot more about it before I start cheering. I still have a lot of doubts. What kind of OS can a small team develope in 2 years?

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