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hardware OS4   hardware OS4 : Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls.
   posted by shoe on 30-Nov-2005 19:16:01 (33654 reads)
It was back in December 2004 when we heard about the plans from ACK Software Controls on PowerPC-based expansion-cards for the Amiga 1200. A year has now passed and no one seem to have heard anything from ACK regarding these cards. Are the plans put on hold, or even canceled? Many questions without answers, only silence. So SAFIR decided to put on the Sherlock hat and took out the magnifying glass to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Enjoy the full article in English, Spanish and of cource Swedish.

[Edit 06-Dec-2005]
I'm glad to let you know that ACK Software Controls will indeed produce graphics cards for the PowerVixxen LT, and provide full specs for 3rd party developers.

Adam also verifies that the card works with the Mediator bus board.

[/Edit 06-Dec-2005]

A big thanks to the SAFIR-crew for helping out, especially tomazkid for the English translation and Jonas for fixing my broken HTML, also Hugo Espiñeira for the Spanish translation.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 1-Dec-2005 21:28:58
#81 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 8-Sep-2004
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From: UK

i can live with the soldred on 512mb ram, but the mini-pci gfx card. that i have never heard of or seen in any stores for sale or know the price of.. i am worried about..

and how the heck to he plan to fit it inside the a1200 case where you have hd,flickerfix/scandoubler, clock port adapter etc...

if the gfx chip had been soldred on we know it will fit in the a1200 case, if i have hads to pay a bit more for that i dont mind, instead of looking for a nearly none excisting mini-pci gfx card...

I was a ZX Spectrum owner....

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 1-Dec-2005 21:33:03
#82 ]
Joined: 2-Nov-2005
Posts: 26
From: Unknown

But isn't it A600 a 68000 ECS?

Yes, but as the ACK board can operate without a classic Amiga you could chuck out the motherboard of the A600, the keyboard however is needed AFAIK.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 1:08:06
#83 ]
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From: Maryland, USA

Yes, but as the ACK board can operate without a classic Amiga you could chuck out the motherboard of the A600, the keyboard however is needed AFAIK.

While it was said that some sort of keyboard connector is present, it wasn't said to be Amiga keyboard compatible. It wasn't said not to be either, but I'd expect it to be USB or PS/2, not Amiga keyboard protocol.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 7:02:48
#84 ]
Joined: 2-Nov-2005
Posts: 26
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While it was said that some sort of keyboard connector is present, it wasn't said to be Amiga keyboard compatible. It wasn't said not to be either, but I'd expect it to be USB or PS/2, not Amiga keyboard protocol.

Then all I have to do is make my own A600keybopard -> USB/PS2 connector and I'm ready to go
If it fits that is...

Last edited by Escolas on 02-Dec-2005 at 07:03 AM.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 7:16:41
#85 ]
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Joined: 26-Nov-2003
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From: Germany

The MPC5200 is really highly integrated.. IDE, USB1.1, 100MBit network, I2C interfaces,
SPI, bla bla bla...

But what is really cool are the two CAN controllers it provides... now Ack just has to
provide a header for them and, provided there'd be a working software or i could be bothered
to write it on my own, one could just run some diagnostic tests on almost any car..
you'd be really surprised what parameters of your car could be read and even (over)written
with a CAN interface and a bit of software.. (trust me, i'm programming such software for a
living )


Regards, Cyborg.
AmigaOS4 development team member

"In the beginning was CAOS.."
-- Andy Finkel, 1988 (ViewPort article, Oct. 1993)

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 9:00:36
#86 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 1-Dec-2005
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From: Good old Europe.

Don't want to damper all of your enthusiasm, but let's make clear several statements of the so-called interview:
Nearly a year has passed since the first announcement, the release date (Q1 2005) has not been met. The original hardware design has been ditched. They had interface problems with the A1200 (not surprising if you've never done something like that before). No prototype has been shown yet. No release dates were named.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 9:13:35
#87 ]
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Well, since he's asking for an interface to the A600 keyboard he obviously wants to use only the case and the keyboard, not the rest of the A600.

Standalone with bus terminator, remember?

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 15:21:19
#88 ]
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From: Italy


Not all like to make announcement. Adam helped Eyetech and mai with MicroA1.


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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 17:00:51
#89 ]
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Joined: 1-Dec-2005
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From: Good old Europe.

Not all like to make announcement.

At least he made an announcement on 23.12.2004 that this product would be available Q1 2005.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 17:58:17
#90 ]
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Lets Cut Adam some slack here. If he help Eyetech out with the design of the XE and then the Ua1 he has experiance with this sort of thing now and a wealth of knowledge. So if he ditch the original design for this it is because now he understands and knows what will work well. Also the fact that technology has advance a life time in a year has made a new design a must.

Trying to get new stuff to work with a 13 year old A1200 is going to be a hassle I can understand the bug issue. personally I would ditch the whole 1200 thing and Just have this as a stand alone entry type (A500 style) Amiga. But Adam being the Amiga Lover he is is trying hard to get it to function for the classic crowed. Why? because we need you. Amiga needs you. This is a perfect brigde gap for us all. Think an alternative to the complaints of how expensive the Eyetech Micros are.

I love the fact that this has the potential to be the first Amiga Laptop possible. A amiga Laptop would be the killer system. Adam if you read or even glance at these boards know this we are behind you all the way!!!! relase it and we will come!! with pockets full of cash as your reward.

Come on ADAM JUST DO IT!!!!

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 18:20:56
#91 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 1-Dec-2005
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From: Good old Europe.

Also the fact that technology has advance a life time in a year has made a new design a must.

I agree, but I don't hope that he has to redesign again in one year just because better CPU's are available though.

Think an alternative to the complaints of how expensive the Eyetech Micros are.

I think it will make up a perfect alternative. Since the PV will be (hopefully) relatively cheap, it will surely substantially increase sales of OS4. Well presently the problem is not that Micros are expensive, but that they are simply not available.

I love the fact that this has the potential to be the first Amiga Laptop possible.

4U2? Upps, I forgot, it's not red/white coloured

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 19:45:28
#92 ]
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Joined: 14-Sep-2003
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From: Gothenburg, Sweden

before I read the rest of the thread, just gonna say
'nice article' thanks to Shoe and Thomazkid !

Thanks! And you're welcome Hope to be able to do more things like this in the future.

Don't want to damper all of your enthusiasm, but ...


Well, like ikir and hitback already pointed out, Adam actually has good experiance with this type of work. And what's the point of marketing a product whitout an OS? Sure you could run your old OS3.x with Warp-this and PowerUp-that, but. And regarding the release date, we all know when that is now don't we?

And he also mentioned working on another Amiga-NG project which might take some of his time. More on this at a later date... Maybe ...


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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 20:06:33
#93 ]
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From: Good old Europe.

And regarding the release date, we all know when that is now don't we?

When it (OS4) is done?
Well great news then, if OS4 makes it to final status before Xmas, we will have a finalized Powervixxen LT some weeks later!?

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 20:09:02
#94 ]
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From: Gothenburg, Sweden


That's the spirit!


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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 20:13:14
#95 ]
Elite Member
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From: Good old Europe.

That's the spirit!

See, I am trying hard to convert myself from a realist to an optimist or even utopian.

Last edited by hatschi on 02-Dec-2005 at 08:30 PM.

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 21:06:46
#96 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

See, I am trying hard to convert myself from a realist to an optimist or even utopian

Or to an amigan?

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 2-Dec-2005 21:21:43
#97 ]
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Joined: 1-Dec-2005
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From: Good old Europe.

Or to an amigan?

That's what I am for 18 years now...

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 3-Dec-2005 10:12:54
#98 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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Lots of words but still no pictures of anything.

What does a picture change? I've seen pictures of the Shark and the Dragon and still nothing is out there... Heck, I even had a Shark in my hand at the show in Neuss...

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 3-Dec-2005 11:39:50
#99 ]
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This is most excellent news. I can hardly contain my excitement! I almost went out (eBay that is) and bought myself an A1200!

If this comes out, and I sure do hope it does, I am definitely gonna buy one. And this time, I'll pay for it myself and not my department, so I can keep it at home!

Well done Mr Kowalczyk and keep up the good work. This community needs you!

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Re: Interview with Mr Adam Kowalczyk - ACK Software Controls
Posted on 3-Dec-2005 16:51:54
#100 ]
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From: Gothenburg, Sweden


there's now a Croatian translation avalible on


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