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Software News   Software News : Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
   posted by Troels on 15-Feb-2007 6:39:37 (9387 reads)
Everything has it's price and a good web browser for AmigaOS4 is EUR 3100 (approx. $4000).
After many emails with Marcin the developer of Sputnik yet another web browser bounty has been setup.

Sputnik Bounty

"But we already have the Amizilla effort".. Yes we do, I even contributed a bit myself but have come to the conclusion that nothing will come of this in the near future as it is a giant project.

The Sputnik Bounty is diffrent because it is an active project developed for and is already showed working on MorphOS. It's simpler to port Sputnik from MorphOS to AmigaOS4, than porting Firefox from Linux to AmigaOS4.

+We have hardware ready for Marcin now.
+Porting starts when bounty is reached.
+Fewer dependences.
+Also available for Morphos = broader Amiga userbase.
+We already have a man to do the port (namely the author of Sputnik, Marcin).
+The browser (early version) have already been showed working on MorphOS, an Amiga inspired OS.
+We have got hardware ready for Marcin as soon as the bounty reaches the needed amount.
+Lighter web browser, well suited for the Amiga.
+Freeware when the bounty has been paid.
+Same updates as the MOS version.

-Less known browser, but whats in a name?
-Price (although it IS cheap)

Lets face it, Sputnik is not a browser that will get much name recognition outside Amiga circles. It is based on the widely known KHTML engine (also used by Nokia and Apple) and keeping the Amiga traditions, being a very light web browser compared to Firefox. It will feature mos,t if not all the modern stuff we miss in Aweb or Ibrowse, read more on

The price of EUR 3100 seems high but you are not alone paying it!
This is a COMMUNITY EFFORT and I would expect EVERY OS4 USER who wants a modern web browser to contribute. Despite the current lack of hardware, I would even encourage those wanting to use OS4 at some point to contribute to this bounty. Take the time, register with Paypal and donate. If you cant use Paypal, please email me and we will work something out.

There's been talks about 1500 AmigaOne's sold and even if some is not working or just not used anymore, there should still be at least 700-1000 active OS4 users.

If people wants the Amiga to stay alive, we all need to start put our money where our mouth is. I expect in a worst case scenario max. 50% wants to contribute, but that is a minimum of 350 donations. Am I too optimistic, I hope not.

I know not everybody can donate the same but I ask ALL of you to please donate min. EUR 10($13) if you can. The more the better.

If your financial situation (or your gf/wife) doesn't allow you to donate that much every other donation is also very welcome.

Please go straight to read more about the bounty and make your donation now.
Thanks for reading this post, I will answer questions in this thread when I have the time.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 9:54:52
#1 ]
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Joined: 2-Nov-2003
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From: Amigavatikan

What is with the money of AmigaOS 4 users, which had donate allready for the previous Bounty?
That's not fair.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 10:19:56
#2 ]
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Don't donate again.

We will get the needed money even if OS4 users that already contributed to Sputnik don't donate again as it was relatively few who did so.

Whether fair or not (i'm not stating my opinion here), keep in mind that YOUR donation already have helped the development of Sputnik.

MOS users have also donated to the OS4 bounty and it is very nice to see them help us.

Thanks for your donation so far and feel free to add some more if you want to


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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 10:26:51
#3 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2004
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Interesting that marcik accepts another bounty for Sputnik
when he hasn't even finished it for MorphOS.

This could mean that the final MorphOS version is close!

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 10:42:40
#4 ]
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From: Sweden

as far as I understand this bounty is twice the size of the original bounty.

but the work is far less challenging, how so?

Yes I own an Amiga. A non-upgraded A500 that is unpacked once every 3 years.

If you are going to quote me, do so fully or not at all.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 11:15:35
#5 ]
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From: The Netherlands


Allready being discussed here.

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 11:54:49
#6 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden

Fund is almost double then mos ? heeeey..... ahh i want this on os4 ;) so...... 10 Euros sent. If he manages to get it to work under os4 im really greatfull. If not i hope the money gets to other good coders. Fryingpan is a good example as its avaible for 68k/os4/mos/aros and costs the same for every person ;) Another good is Jahc with his wookiechat 68k/os4. Afxgroup with mplayer and others....

Couldn't the money for amizilla be used for this ? I dont know the situation. Maybe its on work.

I hold my thumbs for Sputnik

Last edited by Kicko on 15-Feb-2007 at 11:55 AM.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 12:55:59
#7 ]
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But is Sputnik any good? I'm not talking about the rendering of web pages, I'm talking about all the other tedious stuff like a good GUI, bookmarks, history, configurablity, etc. Like what IBrowse already has, and that took a long time.

Personally I'd like to see Sputnik "finished" on MOS, before he starts asking huuuge amounts of money for an OS4 port.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 14:14:39
#8 ]
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But is Sputnik any good?

Most MorphOS users I talked to describe it as a "very very basic browser". Don't quote me on that, but IIRC the current public beta does not support cookies or HTML forms. In terms of functionality, IBrowse still seems to be lightyears ahead.

Keep in mind that the current version is an early beta. As the OS4 bounty description says, the final version is scheduled for end of this year.


A few things come to mind:

This is a closed source project. I'm all for supporting developers, but earning nearly 5000 EUR and keeping all rights to the resulting product strikes me as somewhat unfair. And he's got only OS4 and MorphOS covered so far - there's still some money to be made with an AROS port. Not to mention that for 1500 EUR, the MOS donators got guaranteed that the sources will be handed over to management if Marcik looses interest or lacks the time to continue development, while there's no such guarantee for the OS4 users - who are expected to donate twice as much.

He's a Morphos user, so the MorphOS version has a higher priority. That's fine with me, but I'd like to get an explanation why we have to pay nearly 4000 EUR (3100 EUR + free hardware) for less than the MorphOS crowd got for 1500 EUR.

Marcik has already changed his mind once about his distribution policy *after* lots of people had donated to the original MorphOS bounty. To prevent misunderstandings like that from happening again, the requirements for the OS4 port should be as precise as possible. Currently, the bounty description does not mention a minimum feature set or even a deadline for the OS4 version. It does not mention what kind of features the OS4 version would be missing if AmigaOS ports of MUI4 or TTE2 would not be available in time. It does not state if OS4 versions released *after* the original Sputnik-OS4-1.0 version will be free or not etc. etc.

Some of this might sound somewhat harsh, but please keep in mind that Sputnik has more or less turned into a commercial product - Marcik apparently wants to earn some hard cash with his browser. He's free to do so, of course, but it also means that we should treat him like any other commercial developer, not like a saviour.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 19:12:20
#9 ]
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This is a closed source project. I'm all for supporting developers, but earning nearly 5000 EUR and keeping all rights to the resulting product strikes me as somewhat unfair.

Huh? Microsoft makes $billions on Windows and Office but they keep all rights to the resulting products. So do thousands of other software producers. I don't understand why this would be unfair (ie. different than anyone else) just because he's in the Amiga/-alike community.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 19:37:28
#10 ]
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I believe that the objection is to the fact that his work is based upon free, open-source software, i.e., KHTML. That is, he's making money off someone else's work, who won't get a dime. However, I think that he's getting money for the work that he's doing in porting the library and building a usbale browser around it. Also, KHTML, is LGPL, therefore, he only needs to publish the source-code to the changes that he makes to KHTML itself, and everything that he lnks to it directly. IIRC, he's already done so. There's nothing stopping anyone from working on a port themselves and building their own browser around it. However, why duplicate the effort.


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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 19:39:08
#11 ]
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Huh? Microsoft makes $billions on Windows and Office but they keep all rights to the resulting products.

Yes, but Microsoft are not operating in the Amiga market. Earning 4000 EUR by porting an existing product from one Amiga (-like) API to another is quite a handsome revenue.

Not to mention that Microsoft Office is not a frontend for OpenOffice, but a complete product developed enterily by Microsoft.

Granted - now that I read it again the term "unfair" sounds a bit too hard (sorry, Marcik), but if this bounty gets reality, Marcik will be one of the top earners in this market

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 20:19:51
#12 ]
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He is cleaver and a j***a** at the same time ... However, I've put my 20 euro into the porting so... I got the right to say something ...

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 22:42:53
#13 ]
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Call me stupid but I give him a (another?) chance.
With new hardware apparently coming up (sam440) I need a real browser.
Finger crossed!

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 15-Feb-2007 23:35:46
#14 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

On the website it currently says:
TOTAL: 462.50 EUR - (before Paypal fees)

Is the target 3100 EUR before paypal fees as well? if not, I think you should show the real amount of money in the paypal account, minus the fees. I noticed people like Kicko donated 10 euros, but it was previously shown as about 9.11 EUR or so after fees were taken out. It might be a good idea to show the real amount so we know how much farther we have to go.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 16-Feb-2007 0:16:02
#15 ]
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Hi Jahc
I changed it because it was easier for me to copy/paste the amount from the Paypal site this way.

The amount I agreed upon with Marcin is $4000 which is just around 3050 EUR. It was my belief that a higher percentage of the Amigans was from Europe, thats why I ask for euros and not dollars.

When/if we get close enough I will minus the Paypal fees so everyone can see exactly how much is missing. but for now the actual donations are shown, before Paypal has taken their share.

Btw. We just had a topscorer donating 100.00 EUR.

That doesn't mean everyone else should hold on to their money though. Keep'em coming.. please :)


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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 16-Feb-2007 0:32:48
#16 ]
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Hi Jahc
I changed it because it was easier for me to copy/paste the amount from the Paypal site this way.

When/if we get close enough I will minus the Paypal fees so everyone can see exactly how much is missing. but for now the actual donations are shown, before Paypal has taken their share.

Okay :)

Btw. We just had a topscorer donating 100.00 EUR.

Thats awesome. I knew we would have a few people donating much more than the suggested 10 EUR which would help make up for the low number of donators.

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 16-Feb-2007 0:44:23
#17 ]
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The key will be publicity, I believe A.Org still needs this as a news item!

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 16-Feb-2007 0:47:47
#18 ]
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I just had a thought ... what about an OS3 version? or is that pushing it? :)

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 16-Feb-2007 10:21:51
#19 ]
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I try to donate to all OS4.0 software projects and have prevously donated to Amizilla. I will donate towards sputnik as well.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Bounty for OS4 version of Sputnik
Posted on 16-Feb-2007 10:32:57
#20 ]
Joined: 15-Feb-2007
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From: Hell or something like that

Hm just 460¤ within 15 days will be hard to reach the full amount of 3100 ¤.

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