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hardware OS4   hardware OS4 : Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1 - Late August Update
   posted by stevieu on 11-Jul-2008 21:54:33 (47038 reads)
Antwerp, Belgium - 11 July, 2008.

"Hyperion Entertainment is very pleased to announce that Amiga OS 4.1 has gone into final testing and is scheduled for release mid-Q3/2008. Building on the solid foundations of Amiga OS 4.0, Amiga OS 4.1 introduces a wealth of substantial new functionality which is a prerequisite for the deployment of industry standard applications on the Amiga platform. "

Addon: OS 4.1 has gone gold August 5th 2008.

New features include:

* Intelligent memory paging
* Hardware compositing engine (Radeon R1xx and R2xx family)
* Implementation of the "Cairo" device-independent 2D rendering library
* Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) support for greater digital camera compatibility
* JXFS filesystem with the support for drivers and partitions of multiple terabyte size
* Improved Workbench functionality
* New and improved DOS functionality (full 64 bit support, universal notification support, automatic expunge and reload of updated disk resources)
* Improved 3D hardware accelerated screen-dragging
* Reworked AmiDock with true transparency
* Reworked Warp3D Radeon drivers with new functionality
*And much, much more.

The full press release can be found here.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 1:58:01
#101 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Canada


Thanks for answering our questions. I appreciate this very much, especially considering that there are always a few hecklers in the crowd.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 2:33:45
#102 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

I agree with the overall consensus on the look of the screenshots, let's just say they don't look the best to me, not very professional. I've never liked the new icons provided with OS4 anyway, the majority are too pasty, too pillowed and blurry and not really up to scratch... but then again, it's all configurable so if you don't like the default look then you can change it.

No big deal, a lot of people do like it, it's just picky gits like me that are the moany buggars

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 2:34:29
#103 ]
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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From: Right here...


The progress on os4 is fantastic. The possibility of FireFox3 & OpenOffice running on os4 is now a dream that could come true. It's just a shame that some ppl are more interested in pretty pictures then in the features being offered.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 5:38:54
#104 ]
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From: Denmark

It's absolutely normal when people point out potential flaws in a design........thats called interest! - and with these know they only do it for the love of the amiga, and because they want it to succed so bad, that they immediately responds if they have an idea to help it do that.

Some people just can't understand this very important power, and think that its critics coming from very OS4 negative persons......which in this case is far away from the truth.

My own oppinion......OS4.1 looks inconsistent and 80's like. - and it's a shame when thinking about all the hard work, and the massive rewriting of this OS pearl. Perhaps it's time to check out other GUI designers ideas?

After all the press-sites will link to official screenshots, so yeah of course hyperion should make some listening to these users complaining.....they dont complain because they're unpolite, but because they can see important improvements certain places. And if i was a developer of a OS I would be very glad for the response, which clearly shows the great interest my users have in my system.

now where did that massimo graphics dude go.....he made some serious great looking things

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 6:14:42
#105 ]
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Joined: 29-Jul-2004
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From: Norway


This is just wonderful news

Now if i only could buy some new HW, since my A1 died years ago

Congrats to everyone involved to make this happen


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 6:54:33
#106 ]
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From: Right here...

It's absolutely normal when people point out potential flaws in a design........thats called interest!

You think the ability to make WB look like anything you want a flaw? You can make it look like Vista, or OSX, even WB 1.3 if you like. Go look at the themes on os4 depot for what ppl have done. I don't know about you, but I don't sit & look at WB all day long, I use my system. Nit picking over something thats totally changeable in every way is a total waste of time. Its the added features that make it possible to run a modern browser & office apps that we should be happy about. Maybe rogue should just delete the pictures so we can get back to what's really important in 4.1.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 7:30:59
#107 ]
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From: Denmark

You think the ability to make WB look like anything you want a flaw?

Never said that....I thinks its wonderful, but i also think that if you can make WB look like anything you want, then hyperion should make an effort to shine up the default layout for the actual release of 4.1 - after all everytime we show the default look to somebody outside amigaland, they laugh or show pity.......and im sick and tired of it!!

And I'm fully aware that these screenshots was only meant to show off some of the new functionalities, and not "hey see 4.1 in all its glory" type of shots.

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 7:39:45
#108 ]
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From: Denmark

Actually I don't even think I can remember how OS4xx looks like default

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 7:57:58
#109 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2006
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From: Oullins, France

Yeah, many months (years) of work just to read comments about the UI.

Next update will only give a superb new UI even if no other new functionnality is added. It will take months to make it but never mind, OS 4 developpers will put all their strenght just to satisfy those who cannot change the UI by themselves.... (Ironic inside of course)

I prefer focus on the inner news than on snapshots.

I really do not understand those who criticize for pleasure.

Nonetheless, thanks Hyperion and OS 4 developpers for bringing some good news to us (and too bad we could not demo it during the NASS in France that is taking place since friday to today ).

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 8:42:45
#110 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden

Im with Slash :) Some icons are good while others are blurry. The drawers are not in my taste ;) However i love the ones that comes in theme from mason for yam and many in the AISS package which i would love to see be a part of os4. But then i do replace the ones i dont like with sharp photorealistic ones from other packages. So its no problem. Its just like windows. Some uses the default icons while others do replace the ones they dont like. There is always a choice.

Again thanks for doing a great work Mason and the rest of the os4 gang.

Last edited by Kicko on 13-Jul-2008 at 12:47 PM.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 8:43:39
#111 ]
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From: Czech Amiga News

Plainly, I don't know what you are going on about. The changes from the previous look are not that severe, so I would like to know what exactly is so bad about this one. Also, are you a GUI designer/usability expert? If not, why do you think you can judge this better than Mason?

Well, got me, I am into usability of web, which is not exactly the same, but still not that far.

Judging from the number of screenshots I have seen, the opposite is true. In fact, I have heard recently that only developers don't customize their GUI look while everybody else does.

Maybe be I am already too old and I prefer using OS more than playing with it.
Maybe there are not enough applications to use so people enjoy customizing OS instead.
Maybe the default look is really so bad that users can't stand it?

Anyway I am still thinking that default look is most visible and selling the product. And as that should look as good as possible. Yeah, yeah we are talking about niche hobby market atm, but if Hyperion got THE PLAN, the pro should be in there already.

I really do not understand those who criticize for pleasure.

Hmm, it is not like that. But 'Announcing AmigaOS 4.1' from Hyperion's website is official announcement of new version of OS - quite a big thing especially in Amiga world, it is not just "hey guys, it is not official yet but check this..." or at least should not be like that. If anyone outside of Amiga community or ex-Amigans will see these pictures, he probably will not be really impressed. I am personally happy about functionality improvements.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 9:15:19
#112 ]
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Joined: 12-Sep-2004
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


In lieu to you acting as spokesman for the developers, could you give here a description of the JXFS filesystem. Is it an all-new developement or is it based on or a port of an existing one?
What are its merits, benefits, peculiarities etc. compaired to, say, FFS, SFS, and maybe even EXTn, ZFS, JFS, XFS?

And in which way has Workbench' functionality been improved?


Last edited by OldFart on 13-Jul-2008 at 10:38 AM.
Last edited by OldFart on 13-Jul-2008 at 09:17 AM.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 9:22:55
#113 ]
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From: Norway


The round corners on OSX looks way better then on OS4, probably due to the use of alpha blending, is that also possible on OS4's windows edges?

Look closely they are Alfa blended in this pictures. and windows are transparent also, what I think your seeing is pixel resolution.

This is all about sizes and forms; beauty comes from symmetry..

The AmigaOS4.0 look is where popular, we are seeing it being copied to AmiKit and Afaos.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 9:35:15
#114 ]
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Joined: 8-Jun-2004
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain

My own oppinion......OS4.1 looks inconsistent and 80's like

Is for that that we love AmigaOS, if we want an 21 century OS that is like the society of today, all cosmetic and eyecandy but empty and without substance or values inside, we have other alternatives

Last edited by Fransexy on 13-Jul-2008 at 09:35 AM.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 11:31:08
#115 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


You're indeed right. Now they have the tools let them be used wisely!

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 12:25:38
#116 ]
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From: Norway

@Rogue w/Hyperion Entertainment

I especially want to thank you and your wonderful team of Hyperion Entertainment for the hard work you have put into AmigaOS 4.1 (and still are). I believe that the features revealed of AmigaOS 4.1 speak for themselves. Simply ground-breaking and outstanding!

It's very important that Hyperion Entertainment gives everything, just about EVERYTHING, to win the trial case against Amiga Inc. We all know that Amiga Inc will bury AmigaOS 4 and ONLY focus on AmigaOS 5 if they win the case. You and Hyperion Entertainment must make sure that YOU win, and NOT Amiga Inc..

This is very, very important! AmigaOS 4.1 could be an excellent edvidence to strenghten a possible victory over Amiga Inc in the yet-heated trial case...

This can't be underlined clearly enough...

Again, outstanding work on AmigaOS 4.1! Keep it all up! 10 thumbs up!

Helge K. Leaving the Amiga in favour of a PC..

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 12:30:47
#117 ]
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You cannot use the 66 MHz and AGP slot at the same time.

I think there were more lines swapped with the fix. I never got around to checking it.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 12:36:53
#118 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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Pls, don´t take this personal,

I think it *is* personal. Personal preference. Like I pointed out, MacOS X doesn't use rounded lower window corners either. The Vista box uses one single rounded corner as a design element.

I think you´re actually looking too much into other systems and not in really new features you could build into AmigaOS that are unique to it (or nearly unique, that is)

It's actually funny, I had an "argument" on our developer list today with someone today were I said that I don't care how MacOS X does something.

I am not looking at MacOS X here. I was merely stating that the argument that all windows corners have to be round is obviously of no concern to MacOS X, and the MacOS X style seems to be very popular, so that invalidates the argument of symmetry.

Actually, some important features are not usable with the latest public SDK, sadly.

Like what features?

But yes, work on an SDK update is ongoing, as a matter of fact we have a new maintainer for it now (but I leave it to him to say anything).

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 12:38:14
#119 ]
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I forgot to ask if the Open Source Java-implement is part of AmigaOS 4.1?

That would have been on the feature list in the announcement, don't you think?

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment Announce AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 13-Jul-2008 12:42:06
#120 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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The round corners on OSX looks way better then on OS4, probably due to the use of alpha blending, is that also possible on OS4's windows edges?

Yes. The titlebar is a PNG with alpha channel, you can put whatever you want into it

I am not saying the GUI design is the ultimate, I am just saying that there is obviously always room for personal taste. Anyway, I didn't make it, so it is no use in complaining to me. I am quite sure Mason will read what is said, and if he thinks they're right, he might make some changes. However, "it looks crap" isn't exactly constructive.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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